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Official Game Day Thread: Florida @ LSU - 10/8: LOSS 41 - 11

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Gator Fan
Okay, we had a VERY tough loss at home last week. This week we have a hell of a game coming up against a team with a GREAT defense. I really wish this game was at home because Tiger Stadium is just a crazy place to play.

I really want to be confident about this game, but it is going to depend a lot on our defense and how well our backup QB can play.

Chomp Chomp!


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Brisset ("JBII") WILL START (Driskel , while there, didn't even dress, I'm told). Well. Fate seems to be INSISTING on us giving ALL our young QBs a good look this year. Strange, but maybe all for the best, eventually? Not what any of us had in mind, but it IS what we've got.
RUF-Radio-guys aren't reporting it as of yet, but I can assure you that unless they're lying to their own assistants, this is real. What they ARE talking about is how BIG the Alabama players are, bigger and stronger in every way than any team they've seen in some time, that "LSU is talented but..." they don't match up overwhelmingly with us like 'Bama over EVERYONE...they are clearly implying "something", noting that this differential "is raising questions", though they don't say with whom. Perhaps I'm naive, but that hadn't occurred to me until now, the "better living through chemistry"-angle. Don't want to make wild accusations just because they beat us soundly--are there any OTHER "signs"? Has anyone heard any whispers that might snowball?
I'm sure y'all are getting a kick out of the 'Noles' problems with WAKE FORREST (who just got a safety, and have a small lead), now. Lowered your sites a bit there, boys, in this, your "Big Year"? Still looking forward to the Swamp on Thanksgiving weekend?
...And hey E-: How about that Red River (not-so-much-a) Rivalry? Actually, their problems parallel ours rather closely, right down the line--except WE have our speedsters, while THEY have a nice power-back (that Fozzy is fast AND a load--and he'll be there next year). It'll be interesting to see how far they come how fast. It's a different approach: where we are transforming entirely not only our personnel but the KIND of team we are, Texas I think is mostly where they want to be, just really young and inexperienced. They're going to mainly stand pat, just plan on getting BETTER at EVERYTHING, with time, experience, and coaching.
OK, enough about everyone else (popping first Heiny), gonna get some wings and settle in for this one. I'll try to stay out of the way in-game unless I have something positive to contribute--or I just can't HELP myself! What--37 minutes to KO?


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They're hip to it now, they're talking about the implications on RUF: Top point--JBII is the first Gator QB EVER to take his first real-game SNAP in college ball as the STARTER. The toughest of challenges--and against the No.1 team in the rankings!
They ALSO stress, rightly, how the lines MUST get it together and play better than last week, that this is crucial to Brisset's chances at a great performance, on offense, and "tackle tackle tackle" on defense...sound familiar?
They voice their belief that the whole team, especially the lines, will tighten up and play much better this time.
How far DO we have to go? Is it "LAST week-bad"? Here's another chance to see.
(One thing: This time it's OUR turn to "weather their first onslaught", settle everything down, then go to work on wearing THEM down--tie 'em up, "rope-a-dope", maybe catch 'em napping here and there as the game goes on.)

(PS--Don't want to get hung up on this here, now, BUT any comments and/or knowledge regarding these 'Bama-juicing-rumors I mention above, themselves heard in passing, would be welcome and appreciated...)


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Good, better, best--at least he'd been IN there before...this could get away from us in a hurry...


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Oh, lord--false starts will kill us today--and we are losing the line-of-scrimmage right up top.


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Can't run, can't screen--field position surrendered on 1st exchange. Here we go...

Swamp Person

Swamp Gator
WooHoo I love it.....Screw the nah sayers lets see how we look before we jump onto their typical the underdog is beat before they start the game.
DRU I got four shots and Two cool ones here for you. It's just about time to begin....


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We are going to get clobbered...this team is not ready to play...remember what SP said about "the heart and center" being ripped from them LAST week? Well, whatever hope and fire there was at "the heart and center" this week may have evaporated when Driskel couldn't go--I don't know, but whatever the reason we just looked as lost there at the START of THIS game as we were at the END of the LAST one. This coaching staff will be left having to start over at the VERY beginning in rebuilding this team.


Super Moderator
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Super Moderator
WooHoo I love it.....Screw the nah sayers lets see how we look before we jump onto their typical the underdog is beat before they start the game.
DRU I got four shots and Two cool ones here for you. It's just about time to begin....
Oh yeah, man--I'm reaching for, let's see, cognac or yes, whiskey, a shot or two of JD (Hah! ironic...) should help.


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You're taking this the right way, SP--with humor...better than I am: I can't quite believe that after everything our LINES are failing us worse than last week, right from the start. Unless the "D" comes up BIG we are about to be down 2 TDs before even getting loose!


Gator Fan
Watching this game depresses me.

We're getting manhandled upfront by their O-line and I might just turn this off if there's another 3 and out


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Please, let us not get clobbered like last week or like the Tejas Short Horns in the Red River Shootout.

Once again we are losing in the trenches, even when we bring the house with 8 in the box! Once again we are not wrapping up our tackles. Ron Powell looks slow. I have not been this frustrated with the Gators since...last year. ****!

Last year it took a trick play for LSU to beat us. This year, no such shenanigans will be needed.

Okay, trying to get optimistic...still trying...at least we look pretty in our blue jerseys even though we are the visitors.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
I will still watch them get clobbered, since they are my team. Sigh. At least I have another reason to get sloppy drunk tonight.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
What on earth is Muschamp always jawing at the refs, any way? Shouldn't he be jawing at the Gator offensive line and the secondary?
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