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My god them two boys are BAD...Percy seemed to get away from ANYONE and ANYTHING and tebow Just ran over them! But All you OU fans give it to our boy Tebow he did hug your guys and said good game!..
My god them two boys are BAD...Percy seemed to get away from ANYONE and ANYTHING and tebow Just ran over them! But All you OU fans give it to our boy Tebow he did hug your guys and say good game!..
I'll be honest I dont much care for OU i like texas and Tech and okie lite just have never been an OU fan. Now Im not going to talk all rude about them because of what i feel a good team is a good team. I like the heck outta bob but I have friends that are OU fans and there back in perry calling...
I can tell you this, it happens three times and each time tebow has made the person pay Im not saying he will this time but yeah and Im so ready for this game
Heck man If i made some of the money they back id pay some fans to come...Im in miami for the game and believe it or not most of the miami and fsu fans here are pulling for the floirda team....
Yea you are right and its all about game day but once the game is over I dont know if ull be back win or lose so at least you was respectful during ur time here. But what spikes said a little dumb but he was just going back at what your boy said.
Thats true any where tho...Look at the USC-Penn State game...there was nothing but red its just the closest team every time we just got very lucky this time to say the less
I hate to seem rude here but turner gill is not that good if u ask me...his record at Buff is not that good...I can see why auburn didn't hire him the hire they did was no better tho
Most people don't know this but Kenny carter was a coach at my high school during his time away from Florida. His white may be white but my god she is the sweetest person ever
its very sad to me. My best friend is black and he dates a white girl and I would hate to know he dose not get something because of his girl friend ugh people make me sick sometimes. I believe charlie would be a great head coach if he could get a good offense mind with him it'd be great