O-town Gator
Gator Fan
Can Andrea Adelson at the "Slantinel" think of something more constructive to do with her life then constantly pick Urban Meyer apart? Well, you know what? I'm gonna pick apart some of her silly drivel by "dissecting" a recent blog post (FWIW here's the link: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/sports_college_uf/2009/05/urban-meyer-no-more-mr-fun-guy.html):
And when things he says get blown way out of proportion and/or misinterpreted, kindness of yourself and others of your ilk, can you blame the poor guy for getting upset?
Damn right it's a shame - not just because there are those who make a mountain out of a molehill, there are others who spin stories to their own liking, regardless of the facts, on purpose - this means YOU, Andrea.
Andrea, you're full of crap, let alone a troublemaker. I was there when Meyer was speaking, and HE DID NOT specify "former athletes" in that speech. See what I mean?
LOL - As far as you and the others in the media are concerned, there's no such thing as "off-the-record" comments. You people have no scruples as it is, and you'd go ahead and print them anyway - if you think others aren't aware of your true motives, you're idiots.
No, but then again, what gives you media types the right to start an uproar?
For crying out loud, Andrea, the poor man could merely blink an eye and you'd get your panties all in a wad. Cut the crap!
So does Urban Meyer, but not ONCE have I ever seen you give him the benefit of a doubt.
And on that same note YOU, Andrea, should act more professional, just REPORT THE NEWS and stop being such a damn troublemaker. You do your chosen "profession" not one bit of justice.
Gators coach Urban Meyer has vowed to never say anything remotely interesting ever again. Ever. Seems Meyer is upset the comments he made at the Central Florida Gator Club about former athletes and loyalty made their way into the Internet blogosphere and took on a life of their own.
And when things he says get blown way out of proportion and/or misinterpreted, kindness of yourself and others of your ilk, can you blame the poor guy for getting upset?
Before speaking to the Broward County Gator Club on Tuesday night, Meyer said, “What happens is you can't speak anymore. You can't talk. There is no 'off the record' or anything. You can't have fun. It's a shame."
Damn right it's a shame - not just because there are those who make a mountain out of a molehill, there are others who spin stories to their own liking, regardless of the facts, on purpose - this means YOU, Andrea.
My question is: Since when was talking to a group of 700-plus people “off the record?” Meyer is the only one to blame, because he is the one who chose to air his grievances in a public forum. He did not go off on a tangent, the way he insists. He made a point to call out former athletes who criticize the program.
Andrea, you're full of crap, let alone a troublemaker. I was there when Meyer was speaking, and HE DID NOT specify "former athletes" in that speech. See what I mean?
The bigger issue is Meyer’s reaction to his own comments being made public. Meyer is paid millions of dollars to coach a football team at a public university. He is a public figure. Anything he says in public will be published, unless he specifically requests they be kept off the record.
LOL - As far as you and the others in the media are concerned, there's no such thing as "off-the-record" comments. You people have no scruples as it is, and you'd go ahead and print them anyway - if you think others aren't aware of your true motives, you're idiots.
So he took a little criticism for his remarks. Does that mean he should just keep his mouth shut forever? If that were the case, then Steve Spurrier would have to have had his lips sealed shut years and years ago. Perhaps Meyer would like it better back at Bowling Green, where nobody cared what he had to say.
No, but then again, what gives you media types the right to start an uproar?
Meyer has won two national championships. People are interested in everything he has to say, and sometimes people will be upset with what he has to say. There is no pleasing everybody, and he should know that.
For crying out loud, Andrea, the poor man could merely blink an eye and you'd get your panties all in a wad. Cut the crap!
But that’s not to say he should never “have fun” when he makes his public comments. Look at President Obama, the most public and most scrutinized person perhaps in the world. He cracked wise at the Washington Correspondents Dinner. He made a joke about Notre Dame’s football team when he gave the commencement address there this past weekend. Republicans have ripped him to shreds. He still makes his public appearances, and he still has lighthearted moments.
So does Urban Meyer, but not ONCE have I ever seen you give him the benefit of a doubt.
It shouldn’t matter what is said or written about you. Meyer is the king of coaches right now.
He should act that way.
And on that same note YOU, Andrea, should act more professional, just REPORT THE NEWS and stop being such a damn troublemaker. You do your chosen "profession" not one bit of justice.