Maybe I've got it wrong--I read he'd attended just one of his daughters' matches--and THOUGHT that I'd heard at least ONE of 'em was a Gator...anyway, the point still holds: he didn't exactly "stay home with the family" (on the road 4-5 days a week for ESPN) OR attend those games to follow his daughters' play, as he talked about was supposedly SO important to him--part of the whole apparent BS/con-job that whole drama of his stepping down was in the first place...sorry if I was wrong about it being Gator matches that he failed to attend--but if you check out the larger point (as I am about to do--I just read a news-note about this last night, and want to know if THEY got it wrong or if it was just MY mistaken assumption) I'll bet the basic point still remains...IF it IS all BS, I WILL retract and apologize: there are PLENTY of true and valid facts and reasons to revile and mistrust our former-coach coming to light now without having to make any up!
(10 min. later: OK, I WAS wrongly under the impression that she was a Gator, but turns out that she does play at FGCU in Fort Myers...but the fact remains that Urban HAS attended but ONE of their games in that whole time, and Ft. Meyers IS but 4 hours from Gainesville, after all--and he still DID make that statement--it was, and remains, just another small piece of evidence in the larger argument that he was and IS a phony, manipulative liar to whom NO rationale is off-limits and who will shamelessly stop at NOTHING to cover his @$$, or get what he wants.)