Not saying this Head Coach is a "Saint", only that he appears to be just what he SAYS he is, is building a team that reflects that, and I LIKE what he's doing: If he turns out to pull all the histrionics and drama-queen BS, THEN bail on us wrapped in a cloud of lies and excuses that turn out to have been hurting us inside the locker room AND on-the-field, AND leaves the program in many ways a shattered, near-empty mess, I WON'T THINK MUCH OF HIM EITHER, I can promise you...I just don't see much chance of that in his STYLE, whereas in retrospect I DO see it now in "the other guy" (and, Btw, by now, in being blinded-by-success am as angry at myself for NOT recognizing it in him sooner as at anyone or anything else)...NOW: Why do you keep doing that--turning the argument AWAY from what I (or anyone else) IS saying and making it a personal attack that revolves around how I, or anyone ELSE, sees him now?
I don't like being screwed, even less that it began while, like everyone else I was dazzled by flashy success, and then, in the end, basically HAD to just "bend over and take it", along with a fully-screwed-program and team-in-ruins while he just gets to let all the sh*t he drowned US in slide away as he goes off to start another SIMILAR tune, with just as much seeming-sincerity, for a new "admiring public". I just am so thankful and grateful that almost everyone was wrong about the guy who replaced him, the man of whom J. Foley says was his first and only call after the Meyer-resignation announcement press-conference--"There WAS no Plan B"--That this WASN'T a "ZOOK" or some "transition-hire-leading-to" ANYONE BUT THIS GUY. Oh--and THIS coach really does attempt "NOT to lie"...He just "refuses to elaborate", instead...I hope I never lose sight of, or come to not appreciate, the DIFFERENCE between these two. And PLEASE don't "split hairs" with me on this one, just because you choose not to stay angry with Meyer, E-: I'm NOT going to try and back you into a corner on this, 'cause I think if you step back alone and consider it, you MUST understand the distinctions I am making here...and I have to believe you DO see the fundamental differences between these two men in every way we are able to judge such things, based on everything we know and/or can see for ourselves, at this point. I'm not asking you to even ANSWER that here--I give you the benefit of the doubt and the grace to NOT force an answer that may be contingent upon the seeming outcome of this silly argument...It's BIGGER than all of that, after all.
I will just say this: After everything, we are in the process of "landing on our feet", BIG TIME, are and will be a better team AND program because of it, so "All's well..." Don't see ANY reason we need canonize the jerk, though--and it isn't gonna happen. He ain't Spurrier, after all--and there's too much water over the dam now, anyway...
Oh, and one more thing....I said it, and I will stand by it (though I just don't see it as much of a "stretch" now):
This guy has little in the way of honor OR ethics, and we'll see his end--and it will not be a good one--he will go down in SHAME. I'm not the only one to now see what and who he is, and I just don't see him getting away with it forever, or even that much longer...However, I almost hope it isn't TOO soon: As I've said already, I don't want to see the underhanded, backdoor weirdness I anticipate coming forth into the light end up hurting US in any way. I don't CARE if it takes some time, then, for that reason alone...Well, that AND the fact I'd enjoy a shot at seeing our Muschamp-coached program meeting his "F*ckeyes" sometime a season or two down the line, once we really begin to hit our stride (That's right--I'm saying we're going to be a LOT better than the 11-1 team we were this season--C'mon, don't you feel it TOO?)--I really have little DOUBT that by then, say 2014, we'll blow them, blow ANYONE, RIGHT OFF THE FIELD! As Coach Boom says, "Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime!"