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Apologizing for a whole state


VIP Member
Hello fellow gator fans,its been a while since i have posted but i was able to make the game saturday.As most of you longtimers on here know im from kentucky that has been a die hard gator fan since age 4.The way most kentucky fans acted saturday was extremely classless and uncalled for,people getting told fuck you with florida shirts on including me,and it being my home state, and when tebow went down fans cheering while he was laying there motionless and saying i hope we paralyzed him.Ive heard people say vol fans are bad and classless,but saturday cat fans ranked right up there with them.So for anyone who got to make the trip and was treated really bad I would like to tell you I apologize for everyone in the state and hope you will come back, not all people from kentucky are like that .I got some really good pics of the game and will try to post them soon, and most importantly GO GATORS.


VIP Member
Good post. I made the trip from cincy, wearing a gator shirt got you some crap all day long. I was expecting it, so it wasnt a big deal and i had comebacks ready to spit out. Sitting in the gators fan section was a definite plus tho.

As for people cheerin tebow got hurt, absolutely classless. I guess its to be expected but i was shocked it was so many. The only good thing i can say regarding that is when he did get up alot of people did clap.


Gator Fan
I was there as well. Fans were cheering their asses off when Tebow was sacked (as would any opposing fan when sacks happen) but they quieted down for the most part when it was clear he was really hurt. Granted, there were those that celebrated a potential injury but I think you would probably see that at just about any locale. The section I was in was primarily occupied by Gator fans so maybe it wasn't as obvious to me.

KY fans did run their mouths a little but that's to be expected. Most did it in good humor. We actually tailgated across the street from a frat house whose occupants thought it would be amusing to berate us over the loudspeaker they had hooked and spout disparaging remarks about Tebow and the Gators in general. The most repeated remark by UK fans: "Wait until basketball season.":rolleyes:

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
If I was there, I would have been apt to say something VERY profane to every Kentucky fan I saw wearing a "Gator Hater" T-shirt after what happened.

And then that one guy who threw that hit on Tebow was laughing on the sidelines afterward? What a punk. No wonder why later it was said that that kid was taken out of the game; knowing how tight the Gators are they had that guy's number.

Even so, why was no roughing-the-passer penalty called? After that and Penn Wagers' four missed major-penalty calls against UcheaT the week before, it seems that officiating in the SEC is going downhill.

Thank God Timmy's injury wasn't serious and that he'll be OK.

O-town Gator

Gator Fan
AWebb, there are idiot fans in every fanbase, including Florida's. If they take that much delight in seeing somebody injured, they're morons.

Anyway, what necessitates my little rant here is all the finger-pointing I see around other Gator boards and blogs right now - and it needs to stop. Like the bumper sticker said that was popular in the late 1980's, shit happens.

Urban Meyer is not to blame for Tebow getting hit; I mean come on, did he tell Marcus Gilbert to miss his assignment and let that Kentucky defender drill Tebow into the turf? Did he keep Tebow in the game out of sheer arrogance and just for the sake of winning the game? If anybody said "yes" to one or all of those questions, then those who did need to re-think their priorities. Had Timmy been not physically been able to perform, Meyer would have held him out of the game in his best interests.

Besides, Meyer stayed behind in Lexington with Tim instead of travelling back to Gainesville with the team. That shows you that Meyer genuinely cares about his players and is unselfish. I guarantee you that very few coaches would have done the same thing Urban did this weekend.

Was it Tebow's fault? Again, read what I had said above. If Timmy wasn't well enough to be out there on the field he would have told Coach Meyer so, and his wishes would have been honored. In spite of having the flu Tim made a valiant effort out there, and that's something to be respected.

Gator Nation needs to pray for Timmy to get well and never mind trying to find fault with Meyer or anybody else. Enough is enough.

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