As always (or maybe I am biased, but do not care), Buddy wrote yet another good article. My favorite part:
My goodness gracious sakes alive, just how far will they go to find a flaw somewhere in Tim Tebow?
Bad enough that the guy has already been stamped “failure” as an NFL quarterback by so many pro scouts/prophets
who deem it necessary to trash his qualities as a passer and almost seem bent on trying to will him down to the third round of the draft...
Read more:
Now, to be quite fair, I still predict him in late 1st round to early 2nd, but I only do this for my selfish reasons to avoid disappointment--similar to the disappointment I had with the NFL over Danny Wuerffel. I really want Tim Tebow to get the chance to prove critics wrong by getting drafted in round 1 with a fat paycheck, but the media and scouts have been against him since '07. He may get stuck being drafted lower than he deserves and having to prove himself on an even longer path.
I understand he only needs to convince one team, but in reality, the indicators are that it will take a brave coach to take him on if only one scout gives an opinion different from the other 31 scouts. Some of those scouts are motivated by politics, just as some of the sports pundits are.