During the "Fumble" which set up UGA first score. Am I the only one who think that it was an incompletion? SCREW THE REFS!!!!!!
No, Gator--I for one thought so from the start, but also KNEW it would stand the moment it was called the way it was "ON THE FIELD"--Hell, they reversed a crucial 4th-quarter call from for to against our interests that was called correctly in the 1st place and couldn't be judged differently no matter HOW often they ran it in slow motion form 4 different angles--but they DID...With those CBS announcers droning on so obviously and completely pro-Georgia from the first challenge (your early "faux-fumble/true forward pass") to the last (the Phantom Reversal), the whole deal was so overwhelmingly loaded up against us that, well, let's just agree it was the absolute wrong time and place for a stumbling, bumbling, FUMBLING performance by "the Team in Orange and Blue", OK? I'm exhausted from prowling through all the complexities around and below all the many ins and outs of the game, its significance and aftermath--it's time to play ANOTHER opponent now and begin to see where it all fits and where we are headed from here. Yes: "SCREW THE REFS!!!!!" If we didn't all know the rules as they REALLY stand or had somehow forgotten them, well no excuse now: WE have got to be BETTER than the other team: We have got to actually and clearly BEAT them--despite what outside forces are arrayed against us and whatever bad breaks and/or unfairnesses occur. We certainly can't come out "not feeling it" and blunder about figuring we'll always "pull it together and beat them in the end once we wake up and get it together and anyway our coaches will make those brilliant adjustments in the locker room at the half and all will be well..." Nice that we have been ABLE to do that but a foolish and dangerous habit and hope to depend on, as we all saw but shouldn't have had to learn like that TO BEGIN WITH! Bad enough we HERE started believing it--if indeed our PLAYERS did too, as seems at least possible, well, then a loss like this one was inevitable AND stupid. Now it is over, and we all must move on--Better hope that the players managed it DAYS ago!