One last comment about this whole side-show, and then I'm holding my peace.
You know, I have to laugh at all these so-called "experts" and other sportswriters castigating Coach Meyer for his comments following last Saturday's game, and then having the audacity to call him "childish" (that means you, Stewart Mandel at SI) when they don't stop to realize that it was KIFFIN who started all this crap in the first place right after his hiring was announced. And then that punk plays the "SEC reprimand" card on Meyer for making a comment not personally directed at that bozo, as well as makes some snide remark about making an excuse about his players being sick when their next sub-par performance happens?
If anything, it's KIFFIN who should be called out, NOT Meyer. But, good luck in trying to get these media morons to come to their senses.
And another thing - I'm sick and tired of all this "Kiffin won a moral victory" crap. If he did, then my real name's Michelle Obama. He LOST the game, and was forced to bite his tongue when his wish to "sing Rocky Top all night long after beating Florida" went unfulfilled. We won, they lost - and if the results didn't meet the media's expectations, then too damn bad.
Anyway, it's time to sweep that schmuck under the rug for another season; let Nick Saban and Steve Spurrier have at it when it's their turn.
Let's get ready for Kentucky on Saturday night and
GO GATORS!!!!!!!! :gator::gator::gator: