Might as well face this NOW.
We will have to go BACKWARDS a ways, retrench, rebuild and slowly, methodically COME BACK from the deep-in-a-HOLE BASICS we will have to wallow in for a time BEFORE making that long march back up through mediocrity, instinctive proficiency, tightly organized--until eventually "all THAT" becomes automatic, and we begin to build the juggetnaut-to-BE upon "all THAT".
Again: As long as Billy is given the room and TIME to do "all THAT", as I believe is and always WAS his plan, exactly what he CAME here to do, then COUNT ME IN.
ALL in.
We will have to go BACKWARDS a ways, retrench, rebuild and slowly, methodically COME BACK from the deep-in-a-HOLE BASICS we will have to wallow in for a time BEFORE making that long march back up through mediocrity, instinctive proficiency, tightly organized--until eventually "all THAT" becomes automatic, and we begin to build the juggetnaut-to-BE upon "all THAT".
Again: As long as Billy is given the room and TIME to do "all THAT", as I believe is and always WAS his plan, exactly what he CAME here to do, then COUNT ME IN.
ALL in.