I'm seen these results of the 40 from D Lineman and I hate to be a QB especially from the blind-side.
Know what you mean, man...That's what's coming as "the norm" now, though, and is part of the move/counter-move, near-instantaneous evolution taking place in the NFL right now, where dual-threat QBs and the hybrid offenses that take advantage of them are evolving at a rate that both demands such a defensive response, AND is in turn forcing defensive innovators to anticipate and respond--that's what we're seeing in who and what is "rising to the top of the draft". The pro-game is therefore changing at an amazing rate, but ultimately overall the stress on tough defense will remain, regardless.
Frankly, it is that very feature, the ultimate dominance of "tough defense", that I like best about the NFL, truth be told. The "media experts" can blab all they want about this or that QB and/or "innovative offense", but this isn't just about MY interests and preferences: For eg., had the 49er "D" kicked in and started playing at some point in the 1st half as it did in the 2nd, the whole team would have been in position to seize control of this last Superbowl and cruise to a win in the 4th quarter. As it was, the Raven offense, though itself thoroughly beaten after the "black out", had only to score the one FG AB ("after-Beyonce") to pull out the "close win"...The whole SF-team SHOULD be kicking themselves, as they no doubt were afterwards (and probably still are--with good reason!).
(Btw, wasn't that "black-out" a kicker?!! Kind of thing we'd expect from maybe a World Championship soccer match in some hosting 3rd-world nation--closest such thing I can think of, prestige-wise, on the international level--a full-on, 1/2-hr.-plus breakdown/stoppage in the middle of the contest, but it happens to US, on OUR biggest sports and media-stage...Who's got the "3rd-world infrastructure" after all? It's a warning: Congress has once again stripped all funds earmarked for power-grid, interstate, bridge and rail infrastructure renewal from the budget in favor of all their local contributor-backed pork-barrel, something they've been doing annually for more than a generation now, so that money that could have gone to at LEAST as many local contractors and jobs, while actually fixing our ailing "grid", will once again be more or less frittered away instead...Meanwhile more and more rotting bridges, endless transportation snafus and worn power access comes to be taken for granted as part of our daily lives...Sorry, didn't mean to wax-political here, normally I'm against that as anyone, but here it was hitting us square between-the-eyes with the whole world watching! ...Oh, and btw: Ya gotta wonder if, from the 49ers POV, it wasn't "perfectly timed"; They woke up and picked up their game, especially on defense, which eventually gave the offense time and opportunity to begin to turn THEIR game around, from that point on...So it ended up actually affecting the game--for the better, from a competitive standpoint, but that's a whole OTHER "can'o'worms". I'm WAY off-topic here, though, so I'll drop it...)