I think the law of averages and parity in NCAA are finally starting to be more visible with FSU and Miami, but not enough where I would lose sleep over them. I think any team in the top 20 that hasn't lost too many player to H1N1 flu can handle either one just fine.
Miami looked good against Ga. Tech
Jacory Harris was making plays.
OK maybe it's still too soon to tell but Miami beat two ranked teams (and VT needed a last minute score against Nebraska) and FSU tore BYU a new one. Any thoughts?
Miami and FSU really hurt themselves this week. Which loss do you think was worse?
FSU's fall to USF was obviously far worse. Miami lost to a decent ACC team where FSU lost to a crap Big Easy team... at home!
USF has been searching for it's identity a lot the past couple years, and they lost their star quarterback for the season last week, so a true freshman starting, in doak cambell, against a decent FSU team, and FSU can't pull off a win? USF was obviously a much bigger heart breaker.
good players and good talent doesn't make a good team.. USF chokes a lot in big games.