Given everything that has happened in the time since Meyer "went weird"--I figure everything that's happened since that "drama queen"-episode, the subsequent lack of attention or interest in his team, the poor choices and bad coaching , the sleazy exit and everything else, was at least "possible", if not "predictable" if we were all thinking straight and seeing things clearly--we should probably be thankful that we didn't end up on sanctions ourselves as a result of that period...
I just hope I'm not speaking too soon: I suspect there'll be more revelations and recriminations coming in the months ahead. It is somewhat ironic that our best chance at that NOT happening is that the supposedly nonexistent "Circle of Trust" really DOES belatedly fall into formation and show some solidarity with their mentor, enabler and protector, and manages to keep their collective mouths shut during this period of competitive digging among the anti-Gator Nation media. As long as whatever "tales" out there stay second- and third-hand, it'll all likely stay smoke, not fire, and finally catch up with Meyer himself, if anyone at all--which is as it SHOULD be. I guess what worries me is that so seldom is there such justice in the end.
I just hope I'm not speaking too soon: I suspect there'll be more revelations and recriminations coming in the months ahead. It is somewhat ironic that our best chance at that NOT happening is that the supposedly nonexistent "Circle of Trust" really DOES belatedly fall into formation and show some solidarity with their mentor, enabler and protector, and manages to keep their collective mouths shut during this period of competitive digging among the anti-Gator Nation media. As long as whatever "tales" out there stay second- and third-hand, it'll all likely stay smoke, not fire, and finally catch up with Meyer himself, if anyone at all--which is as it SHOULD be. I guess what worries me is that so seldom is there such justice in the end.