More than anything, I just wanted to wish all Gators, everywhere, especially our members and guests here at Gator Envy, the best and happiest of greetings--that all is well, loved ones healthy and safe and back here again a year from now, if possible even BETTER.
Gotta believe that'll be the case for our football team. For all OUR analysis and insights, we DO understand that that is in the hands of our coaching staff--in the players they get and what they do with them--rather than anything we can do or say. In the end, we have to hope we've got "the right ones" in there, working away at building the winner we all know that a Florida Fightin' Gator Football Team can be.
That won't stop us from watching and commenting on ALL of it, every step of the way--nor should it. Speaking for myself, however, I know I need to keep separate what I see and feel deeply about, from the simple truth that I have no direct control over it. When things aren't going right, it's easy to give in to frustration, disappointment and anger.
With this in mind, PLUS the New Year's tradition of "resolutions" (one I usually avoid, with good reason--it just sets you UP for failure, ya know?), I have decided this year to actually go with one, and to give it a real shot:
When it comes to the Gators in general, and my comments here at GE in particular, it is my intention to LIGHTEN UP.
Now, for me, that won't be some sort of magical conversion to "Mr. Positive" (let's be realistic here!). However, here's the thing: "Out there", in the "real world" where we all go when we're not here, my friends and associates, anyone who actually knows me would, if asked, include near the top of any description of my personality my dry, somewhat sarcastic-but-also-self-deprecating-SENSE-OF-HUMOR--something that doesn't seem to come across at ALL here. Worse, almost everything I post tends to be "heavier", more "over-serious" than I normally approach most things in conversation with others.
Maybe it's a function of how much I CARE--about our team, our program, our school and where it is all headed. Still, as I look back, seems to me some humor and a lighter touch might go a long way in helping us through these rough times and getting TO the good ones...and it becomes clear that without more of either, y'all aren't getting my best. I apologize--and promise to try and do better in 2012.
It won't change how fast we'll get where we're going, obviously--only redoubled effort on the part of the coaches and players can accomplish that--but our efforts here together, giving each other and ourselves a place to share, analyze, discuss, vent and above all SUPPORT each other through the tough times, so that we can enjoy it all the more TOGETHER on the way back UP, a place where all different kinds of Gators can come for all of that and more, that's what GE has always been about, and I am proud to share it with all of you.
Again, Happy Holidays, and nothing but the best to you and yours in the New Year.
Gotta believe that'll be the case for our football team. For all OUR analysis and insights, we DO understand that that is in the hands of our coaching staff--in the players they get and what they do with them--rather than anything we can do or say. In the end, we have to hope we've got "the right ones" in there, working away at building the winner we all know that a Florida Fightin' Gator Football Team can be.
That won't stop us from watching and commenting on ALL of it, every step of the way--nor should it. Speaking for myself, however, I know I need to keep separate what I see and feel deeply about, from the simple truth that I have no direct control over it. When things aren't going right, it's easy to give in to frustration, disappointment and anger.
With this in mind, PLUS the New Year's tradition of "resolutions" (one I usually avoid, with good reason--it just sets you UP for failure, ya know?), I have decided this year to actually go with one, and to give it a real shot:
When it comes to the Gators in general, and my comments here at GE in particular, it is my intention to LIGHTEN UP.
Now, for me, that won't be some sort of magical conversion to "Mr. Positive" (let's be realistic here!). However, here's the thing: "Out there", in the "real world" where we all go when we're not here, my friends and associates, anyone who actually knows me would, if asked, include near the top of any description of my personality my dry, somewhat sarcastic-but-also-self-deprecating-SENSE-OF-HUMOR--something that doesn't seem to come across at ALL here. Worse, almost everything I post tends to be "heavier", more "over-serious" than I normally approach most things in conversation with others.
Maybe it's a function of how much I CARE--about our team, our program, our school and where it is all headed. Still, as I look back, seems to me some humor and a lighter touch might go a long way in helping us through these rough times and getting TO the good ones...and it becomes clear that without more of either, y'all aren't getting my best. I apologize--and promise to try and do better in 2012.
It won't change how fast we'll get where we're going, obviously--only redoubled effort on the part of the coaches and players can accomplish that--but our efforts here together, giving each other and ourselves a place to share, analyze, discuss, vent and above all SUPPORT each other through the tough times, so that we can enjoy it all the more TOGETHER on the way back UP, a place where all different kinds of Gators can come for all of that and more, that's what GE has always been about, and I am proud to share it with all of you.
Again, Happy Holidays, and nothing but the best to you and yours in the New Year.