Gator Fan
He is quickly gaining on bianchi on my "crappy writers" list.
ORIGINWell, it turns out Pat Dooley got his information wrong on Auburn and its limos, making Florida Gators coach Urban Meyer look bad. Dooley thought Auburn took recruits out in the limos. But in reality, the limos were just used to generate some pub for the school, with assistant coaches riding around in them on various recruiting stops.
Now Meyer's quotes asking for the NCAA to look into the matter make sense, considering he thought recruits were going IN the limos. Here is Dooley's mea culpa:
"When you make a mistake, you're going to hear it. Last week I had a Dooley Noted item about Auburn coaches parading recruits around in limos. I obviously misread the story because it was Auburn coaches in the limos going from school to school. War Eagle fans have corrected me with dozens of e-mails. My bad. Now calm down."