If it is true then it will definately hurt him because he will have to start his rookie season suspended. Plus the NFL may not allow him to attend camp. If it is true then he is an idiot, how do you ruin a great opportunity life being a 1st round draft pick. This is one of the many reasons I don't think that students should be allowed to play professional sports without a degree. I will explain:
A) If I want to go out and make a ton of money I pretty much have to have a degree (there are exceptions, but with those at least people are producing something, NFL players only entertain)
B) It would force them to stay in college longer and gain a little more maturity about themselves.
C) It teaches them that when they make a commitment to come play for a school for four years for a free eduacation then they have to live up to their word. If football players had to live up to their contracts and couldn't just get out when they felt like it, there would probably be less whining in the NFL by players who make millions and want more