Q: What’s your super power?
A: My mind. I’m real smart.
Q: How do you use that on the field?
A: Just looking at different formations. Read film, look at film and different formations and know what the offense is going to do. Then I let the rest of the defenders on the defense with me know what to watch out for.
Q: What coach on the staff would make the best drill sergeant?
A: Mickey Marotti. He’s a strength coach with high energy. He’s the one that gets us going. He’s the one who got us how we are now, national championship Gators.
Q: What kind of stuff does he say to you to get you going?
A: I can’t really say it on camera right now (laughs). You know what I mean, though. Those kind of words.
Q: Who’s your hero?
A: I’d say my father. He’s a strong man that had the will to take care of his family. When odds weren’t going his way, he still took care of his business and took care of his family.
Q: Who’s one player, besides Tim Tebow, on the roster that you’d allow your sister to date?
A: I’d probably say Jon Bostic, the freshman. He’s a good guy, like a Tebow kind of dude.