O-town Gator
Gator Fan
Read Jeremy Fowler's blog here: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/sports_college_uf/2009/05/sec-spring-meetings-legislation-might-hinder-urban-meyers-contract-.html
My two cents? I say YES - whatever it will take to give Coach Meyer more incentive to stay at UF and keep doing what he's doing, I'm all for it - and as far as I'm concerned, it's well deserved on his part. For those who are griping about giving him a raise in recession times, look at it from this perspective: Athletics generate considerable revenue for UF, and the more we win, the more the fans will buy tickets and related merchandise, give endowments and booster donations to the Athletic Department, and so on. Profit from the success of our athletic programs can be rolled into other aspects concerning UF, especially student scholarships. The more our athletic teams win, EVERYBODY wins.
Update: Per Jeremy Fowler, Dr. Machen (UF's prez) wold like to see Meyer become the highest-paid coach in college football: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/sports_college_uf/2009/05/uf-prez-hopes-urban-meyer-becomes-secs-highestpaid-coach.html
My two cents? I say YES - whatever it will take to give Coach Meyer more incentive to stay at UF and keep doing what he's doing, I'm all for it - and as far as I'm concerned, it's well deserved on his part. For those who are griping about giving him a raise in recession times, look at it from this perspective: Athletics generate considerable revenue for UF, and the more we win, the more the fans will buy tickets and related merchandise, give endowments and booster donations to the Athletic Department, and so on. Profit from the success of our athletic programs can be rolled into other aspects concerning UF, especially student scholarships. The more our athletic teams win, EVERYBODY wins.
Update: Per Jeremy Fowler, Dr. Machen (UF's prez) wold like to see Meyer become the highest-paid coach in college football: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/sports_college_uf/2009/05/uf-prez-hopes-urban-meyer-becomes-secs-highestpaid-coach.html