Couldn't agree more, man--a "pretty good SEC team" (meaning "better than most other teams in the nation", by definition) could take the East this year, while the rest of the "mediocrities" knock each other off, allowing the "experts" to further rationalize their eagerness to dismiss a portion of the SEC, even taking the whole conference down a peg or two, based just on a shallow view of the actual records, ignoring of course the fact that any one of those teams would STILL be capable of plowing under their counterparts with similar records in those other conferences--such is the innate impatience to play DOWN SEC superiority and play UP the supposed (but hardly proven--in fact, post-season results having dashed such arguments) idea that there is a "growing parity" among the conferences, in college football at large. Once again, "sports journalism", especially as practiced on ESPN specifically and TV in general, is clearly an oxymoron, a sadly near-perfect demonstration of that time-worn philosophical approach, "Never let the facts stand in the way of a good story".