O-town Gator
Gator Fan
Read his Q&A session with the PBP: http://blogs.palmbeachpost.com/gatorbytes/2009/09/28/urban-meyer-qa-%e2%80%98all-the-tests-are-coming-back-positive%e2%80%99/#more-2172
Video link of an interview he gave a Jax TV radio station: http://www.firstcoastnews.com/sports/news-article.aspx?storyid=145796&catid=14
Very sportsmanlike of Rich Brooks to check in on Tim; hats off to him for that. (Kiffykins, take note: THIS is a good example of how a rival coach should act!)
Video link of an interview he gave a Jax TV radio station: http://www.firstcoastnews.com/sports/news-article.aspx?storyid=145796&catid=14
Very sportsmanlike of Rich Brooks to check in on Tim; hats off to him for that. (Kiffykins, take note: THIS is a good example of how a rival coach should act!)