You know, I'm surprised no one has focused on this before. I've been aware of it, lumping it in with "all the other problems", but it deserves closer scrutiny all on its own. Guys who were "stars", "stand outs" and "up-and-comers" have all seemed to have "backslid", devolved into "question marks"; the whole unit has gone from a strength to a weakness. How, and WHEN, exactly, did this happen?
There've been injuries, yes, but everyone has to weather injuries. We were supposed to have some depth, for one thing, and anyway our injury rate on defense has not been notably high.
There are similar questions regarding the O-line, but at least there the injuries HAVE been notable and forced changes that messed with both experience and blocking schemes. Even there, though, that was to be solved when we got those guys back; we did, it wasn't.
Who's in charge of the O-line, anyway? Oh yeah...
(Do you suppose we may have coaching problems at a number of levels?)