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No. 19 Florida Defeats Toledo Opener


Gator Fan
Billy Donovan is one of the best November coaches in the NCAA. The Gators 80-58 victory over the Toledo Rockets on Friday night improved Billy Donovan's November record to 51-6.

Dan Werner led the Gators in scoring with 19 points and rebounds with 5. The Gators star player Nick Calathes finished the game with 16 points, 7 assists and 4 rebounds. He also had 3 steals.

The Gators were expected to put up a lot of points against a lesser opponent. They finished 7-of-19 from 3-point range and shot 53 percent from the floor. But where they really shined was on defense. They were pressing the Rockets and ultimately forced 25 turnovers and finished with 12 steals.

"I don't know if we're going to be able to press everybody like we did tonight, but I think the difference in the game for us was the pressure up the floor and forcing 25 turnovers," Donovan said.

Other bright spots from the game were freshman Ray Shipman and Alan Chaney. They were able to rack up 13 combined points and eat up a lot of minutes. If they can relieve the starters with contributions similar to this all year, the Gators will be in great shape.

Next up: Bradley on November 16 in Gainesville.

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