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Florida Gators 2023 Recruiting Class


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
What are you implying here?
Is there really some "anywhere but Florida" trend among higher profile Fla prep recruits?
As things stand, I (and not a few others) suspect some "gray-area" (at BEST) hanky-panky regarding that last-moment Rashad flip...but between the way those monied thugs down there in South Fla traditionally operate (been doing it a long time, and are GOOD at it) and the way N.I.L. is clouding the issues currently, that one really didn't shock me by the time it actually materialized.
No matter what, this sudden sea change in the former enthusiasm for Billy Napier's hiring to the mounting derision is NUTS.
It doesn't speak well of us. I believe it is mostly a vocal minority of ignorant, paranoid loud mouths--but it is also the way of the world we all now live in.
"Build 'em up to tear 'em down!"
"Whatta ya done for us LATELY?!"...Never MIND that he just got here, he hasn't even fielded a team for his first GAME yet--and oh by the way:
He inherited a complete MESS from Mullens, whose background INattention-to-detail was starting to bear evil fruit by HIS third season, if you look back with clear eyes, and it was gonna take some time to UNDO and rebuild under the BEST of circumstances.
We'll be fortunate to go over .500 in 2022, as I've previously discussed.
With the growing crescendo of mob lynching mentality already, I can only hope the true "powers-that-be" in the Gator braintrust, the folks who in truth HIRED the man, steadfastly ignore all that and back him regardless of likely mediocre results as far as the eventual record this first season.
I believe we DID hire the right guy.
He's gonna be a good fit here...but it won't be "overnight", not this time. Let's give him the time and room to build, and "build RIGHT".
I KNOW this is an era of "We want what we want and we want it NOW!"...He must know that it can't be a "5 year plan"; It doesn't work that way anymore, if it ever did.
But if we want a "winner" that is there perennially, like Alabama and a handful of others now (either already in the SEC. or in most "promising possible future" cases about to be...and a few others now trying to pattern and maneuver themselves into somehow eventually competing at or near that level of consistency), this quick-fix, short-attention-span, latest flash approach hasn't and WON'T WORK.
Let's be smart. Look for signs of our health and growth AS A TEAM. The rest will come soon enough, if we are on track there.
I am just reporting the updates.


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...And honestly--I'm NOT challenging you:
Indeed, my question is an honest, open one bereft of "attitude", in this case...but you DID use the phrase, "anywhere but Florida" to describe some seemingly implied trend in attitude spreading among higher-ranked upper-classmen among Florida prep recruits.
I trust you, E--and if there IS such a "trend" now I wanna know, and maybe begin to look into WHY.
Meanwhile, Gator Haters in SEC capitals, and especially in our OWN state, are predictably swarming at the smell of blood-in-the-water now.
Normally I don't CARE what a useless troll of a hater like Uncle Lou is peddling,--no, CROWING LOUDLY about. But at such moments I hate to see guys like him given more potential fuel.
As I said, in fact focused on in my comments here, my immediate concern presently though is the degree to which it appears the home folks are already "eating our own"--tearing down the new coach, the same guy they were cheering at his announcement, arrival and first glowing reviews.
Again: Given what a mess we had to know our program was by the time Mullens was given the gate, don't y'all think maybe we need to give the new guy a SEASON OR TWO AT MINIMUM before even "fairly evaluating" his progress, let alone drawing any real conclusions--not to mention eviscerating the man's plans or progress??!
I SWEAR: I know we tend to be a panicky, impatient lot, more than ever prone to over-reactionary lack-of-perspective...but THIS is ridiculous. If this is who we are now, we may well be condemned to a continued future of "Short Attention Span Theatre": a long stretch of impulsively hiring, then soon knee-jerk FIRING the latest "hot topic guy" (like we AND places like Texas had been doing, to little demonstrable progress over the last decade or more).
I can't say that Billy Napier was at the top of MY list of "preferred potential top cboices" as Coach Dan's work here deteriorated into an obvious, full on "Dumpster Fire". Stunning how fast the overall "confidence level" leaked away, and yet how fast our fortunes felt "reinflated" with Billy's naming and arrival.
But now somehow so many are like lemmings flocking together and headed for the ship-rails?
Is that who we are now? Sad. Unbecoming.
Even hopeless, maybe.
And we are NOT likely going to be dramatically turning all those heads, given the pending competition come the "early going", in other words given our projected 2022 schedule--in or OUT of the SEC, I'm afraid.
Hope I'm wrong--but as we get closer to game 1 and focus on Utah, for example, you'll see what I mean.
Sigh...This was ALWAYS gonna require patience, faith and HOPE, I think. Y'all figure we can manage some perspective and attention-to-detail in the coming weeks and months?
(No. Me neither...not really--that HASN'T been a strength here in a very long time).


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(...and by the way:
There's ALREADY a growing negative undercurrent regarding the specifics of Rashada's late flip, the "taylored manipulation" of his N.I.L. "deal" (exactly what many feared about its development, especially in the hands of "certain historically underhanded" programs), and the specific "backroom wheeling/dealing" at Miami once again. This could well end up being a case of a kid eventually bolting early to the NFL, ahead of a growing wave of seedy accusations.
Personally, there's a limit to how far down the "cynical modern road", a la Urban Meyer, I wanna see us compromise ourselves. Our new Coach does NOT appear to BE that kind of guy himself. Tough, but honest. Like Saban. (Be nice if our UF police would go a LITTLE easier on our kids, though...Am I wrong?)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Florida's 2023 recruiting ranking is now #31 with 154.35 points after getting commitments from the following:
DL Isaiah Nixon Edge 6-4 215 92.2422 + 22.24
DL Gavin Hill DL 6-3 255 91.0770
DL CB Sharif Denson CB 5-11.5 170 92.0443

Florida would have been ranked #17 with 175.09 points if they had obtained a commitment from
QB Jaden Rashada QB 6-4 185 97.9645 + 27.96

The top 3 schools are as follows:
1. Ohio State 256.79
2. Texas 255.61
3. Notre Dame 251.59

The top SEC schools and in-state rivals:
6. Georgia 213.89
7. Arkansas 211.68
14. Tennessee 197.57
25. Alabama 165.88
28. Miami 160.97
31. Florida 154.35
38. FSU 141.99

Florida could jump into the top 20 if they land one or more of the following in the 247 Sports top 100:
CB Cormani McClain CB 6-1.5 165 99.9180 +29.92
OT Francis Maulgoa OT 6-5 330 99.5366 + 29.35
LB Malik Bryant B 6-2 235 97.7820 +27,19
OT Monroe Freeling OT 6-7 283 96.9870 + 25.53
DL Kelby Collins DL 6-5 280 96.8482 + 24.32
DL Derrick LeBlanc DL 6-4 270 96.3444 + 22.58
DL Keldric Faulk DL 6-5 240 96.0407 + 20.85


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Upcoming Commitment Dates

June 30:
3-star ATH Samuel Omosigho LB 6-1 208 88.8611 +11.44
Finalists: Florida, Oklahoma —>Oklahoma

July TBD:
4-star WR Eugene Wilson III ATH 5-11 165 93.6524 + 23.51
Finalists: Florida, Texas A&M --> Florida

4-star Lucas Simmons OT 6-7 300 95.0413 +25.04
Finalists: Florida, Florida State, USC, Tennessee --> FSU

4-star Marcus Stokes QB 6-2 185 89.0586 +15.26
Finalists: Penn State, Georgia State, Florida --> Florida

July 4-->TBD:
4-star Daquavious Sorey WR 6-2 185 92.6885 + 21.46
Finalists: Auburn, Florida, Alabama, Miami, Georgia

4-star TJ Searcy DL 6-5 250 93.4353 +22.86
Finalists: FSU, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida—> Florida

5-star Francis Mauigoa OT 6-5 330 99.5366 + 29.54
Finalists: Tennessee, Florida, USC, Alabama, Miami —> Miami

July 5:
4-star Keldric Faulk EDGE 6-5 240 96.0407 + 25.88
Finalists: FSU, Auburn, Florida --> FSU

July 8:
5-star Peter Woods DL 6-4 265 98.7468 + 28.75
Finalists: Alabama, Clemson, Florida, Jackson State --> Clemson

July 11:
4-star Treyaun Webb RB 6-1 205 93.2365 + 17.17
Finalists: Florida, Penn State, South Carolina —> Florida

July 16:
4-star Raul Aguirre LB 6-2 220 94.5383 + 23.21
Finalists: Alabama, Florida, Arkansas, Ohio State, Miami, Georgia --> Miami

July 23:
4-star Payton Kirkland OT 6-6 345 91.0036 + 8.63
Finalists: Florida, Oklahoma, Michigan State, Miami —> Texas

4-star Malik Bryant LB/EDGE 6-2 235 97.7820 + 26.28
Finalists: Alabama, Florida, Maryland, Miami —> Miami

4-star Joenel Aguero DB/S 6-0 195 98.4040 + 27.71
Finalists: Florida, Georgia, Miami, Ohio State —> Georgia

July 28:
4-star Derrick LeBlanc DL 6-4 270 96.3444 + 23.87
Finalists: Florida, Oklahoma, Penn State —> Oklahoma

3-star Ja’Keem Jackson CB 6-1 180 91.1665 + 3.56
Finalists: Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Penn State —> Florida

4-star John Walker DL 6-3 310 95.3743 + 18.75
Finalists: Florida, Michigan, Miami, Ohio State, UCF —> UCF

August 10:
4-star RB Cedric Baxter RB 6-1 215 97.9138 + 26.41
Finalists: Florida, Miami, Texas, Texas A&M

October 1:
4-star DB/ S Jordan Castell S 6-2 195 91.8746 + 4.50
Finalists: Florida, Tennessee
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Billy's getting PUMMELED by fans and media after the Rashada fiasco PLUS a general fall-off in what was once a seemingly "upward trend" in recruiting...I don't think it's fair--though SURE, it worries me too...Bowman bolting added to the concern (yeah, we had a bit of a "crowd" of talented guys at the RB position, but I had heard that BOWMAN was at or near the top of the list as far as who was "ready for primetime"); meanwhile, the ensuing various "decent additions" aren't gonna build a winner here. That's BEEN the storyline here for YEARS (and more than one Coach, by the way). With Napier's hiring we were ALL hoping for a steady turn-around, at the very LEAST!
Now comes the latest broadside from Finebaum.
Always an Alabama guy to start with, even if he goes hard on the Gator fan base I can't say he is just plain "WRONG": There is a certain basic underlying truth to what he says...We DO likely "expect" more than what is "reasonably likely" coming INTO this season, no matter what.
BUT THAT isn't necessarily a BAD thing:
After Mullen, brought in to "fix" a litany of bad trends and habits here already, considering more than ever the specific complaints and disappointments we had with the state of our program AND a laundry list of frustrating events, you're damn RIGHT we EXPECTED the next Coach, and the regime he established here, to bring clear "change for the better".
And at first it seemed we were getting just that.
Even now, I'm not saying that was illusory. Maybe it turning out to be a bit of a rough road here (still early on, after all) was somewhat to be expected, and Finebaum's shot somewhat of a predictably cheap one.
I'm not ready to give up on Billy, or even to begin waving warning flags--no more than the ones I had out from the very start about this being a long, hard road back, and one that probably would require some patience this FIRST season with so MUCH "new and different"--even if it DOES manifest as the start of our "return":
As I said weeks ago, we probably can't expect much better than BARELY breaking .500 with this schedule...So all in all, it's NOT likely gonna be "pretty" or particularly satisfying.
Oh, hopefully we'll have our moments:
If AR gets on track, our RBs break out, and the D really IS a clear upgrade, maybe we can do a little better than that, surprise EVERYONE somewhat and find ourselves in a whole different position a year from now...But it is probably somewhat of a danger (a typical one for our fans) to EXPECT that.
I admit it: I am stealing myself for a certain level of "frustration and disappointment"--because in spite of myself, like yourselves I will once again be living, BREATHING Gator football in a coupla months. No matter what I say, what I tell myself, the mistakes will HURT, the losses ACHE, and I'll be looking for ANY SIGN OF HOPE.


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(See comment directly above ^^^...)
Upon reflection, it occurs to me that I over-complicated my intended message above.
Let me step back and more or less "simplify":
And by that I mean, at minimum, a first season AND a subsequent full round of recruiting before we begin to evaluate how his program is performing and/or where it is headed.
Even then, there'll be the danger of "jumping the gun", prematurely judging too harshly the progress (or supposed lack thereof).
That is ALWAYS a "danger" at UF!
However, going at him like this before even a game is played, judging what little he has had time and/or been in a position to act on in the very short time (not to mention absurdly difficult hole the program he inherited was in, thanks to Mullen's strange organizational collapse leading up to his firing), well, this is ridiculous--over-the-top unfair even for us!
We hired this guy to much enthusiastic hew and cry; let's give him a chance.
If this doesn't work out, it will be a VERY long road back. As it is, we must accept the fact that getting back to "elite status" promises to require a certain amount of time and patience, regardless.
Can we manage EITHER, let alone BOTH??!


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
We have to give Napier at least until the end of this recruiting season to repair some of the damaged relationships with high school coaches at the same powerhouse high schools that I have been griping about for years: Bradenton IMG Academy, Jacksonville Bolles, Jacksonville University Christian, Orlando Dr. Phillips, Orlando Winter Park, Apopka Wekiva, Fort Lauderdale St Thomas Aquinas, Belle Glade Glades Central, Belle Glades Glades Day, Lakeland, Pahokee, Miami Central, Bradenton Manatee, Jacksonville Trinity Christian, Seffner Armwood, and Plantation American Heritage. See this thread:https://www.gatorenvy.com/threads/top-sunshine-state-high-schools-for-the-florida-gators.20942/. Urban Meyer grabbed players from all those schools quite regularly, other than IMG Academy, which was still new at the time. Will Muschamp to his credit did grab some of the best defensive players from those schools, but few of the best offensive players. Or, if they were good offensive players they were suspended or kicked off the team. By the time Jim McElwain showed up Florida lost all momentum with the best recruits from the best high schools to Alabama, Georgia, FSU, Michigan, and Ohio State (especially when Urban Meyer showed up). Dan Mullen looked as if he was repairing some of the damage until something happened to him around the time Marco Wilson threw that cleat down the field.

Look at the high schools that Napier is recruiting. He is slowly rebuilding the connections that UF has lost since Urban Meyer left in 2009 (yes, I do not count Zombie Urban Meyer from 2010). I am still a bit concerned about balancing recruits from offense and defense, so Napier is going to have to make a splash recruiting the transfer portal when it comes to quarterbacks.
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(@Escambia94, )
Yes. You zero in on the history--the problems and the trends.
I REALLY hope he CAN fill out his line-up in the transfer portal now and into 2023 too.
We need more depth all over the field--but even if (hopefully, WHEN) AR truly blossoms into the talent he has shown enormous promise of being, we will still need to begin building our own "QB pipeline" at Florida--and soon.
As I've noted, the one position we HAD solid depth at was RB, which took at least somewhat of a hit (in terms of "promise" at least) when Bowman portaled out to UCF recently. We still have our share of "potential" there, so we'll just have to "make do and see" from here.
That pretty well sums up what the whole program is coming down to as far as 2022 is concerned as it fast approaches.
I know, I KNOW: "Napier's idea of offense is an 'old school', run FIRST scheme..."
But I sure am hoping there's also a certain dynamic flexibility to his underlying philosophy and practical approach. He will NEED it at THIS level of play--and I have a feeling he knows that, knew it coming IN.
Still, I'll not allow myself too much optimism regarding THIS season:
"Hope for the best, prepare for a certain amount of frustration and disappointment."
How much the "hope" is answered in wins, while the "frustration and disappointment" is relatively limited after ALL, will ultimately be reflected in our record and how we will view our future as the season unfolds.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
As of 7 July the Gators have 11 commits and are ranked #26. One month ago the Gators had 9 commits and were ranked #40.

  • T.J. Searcy DL 6-5 250 93.4052 + 23.41
  • Treyaun Webb RB 6-1 205 93.2164 + 23.07
  • Isaiah Nixon Edge 6-4 215 92.2422 + 22.11
  • Sharif Denson CB 5-11.5 170 92.0443 + 21.51
  • Gavin Hill DL 6-3 255 91.0770 + 19.94
  • Aaron Gates ATH 6-0 180 90.1401 + 18.25
  • Knijeah Harris IOL 6-3 335 89.1568 + 16.42
  • Marcus Stokes QB 6-2 185 89.0586 + 14.08
  • Creed Whittemore ATH 5-11.5 175 88.3598 + 14.70
  • Bryce Lovett OT 6-5 330 87.5833 + 12.99
  • Tyree Patterson WR 6-2 175 86.5278 + 11.13


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
As of 8 July the Gators have 12 commits and are ranked #19. Yesterday the Gators had 11 commits and were ranked #26.

  • Eugene Wilson III ATH 5-11 165 93.6624 + 23.66
  • T.J. Searcy DL 6-5 250 93.4052 + 23.41
  • Treyaun Webb RB 6-1 205 93.2164 + 23.07
  • Isaiah Nixon Edge 6-4 215 92.2422 + 22.11
  • Sharif Denson CB 5-11.5 170 92.0443 + 21.51
  • Gavin Hill DL 6-3 255 91.0770 + 19.94
  • Aaron Gates ATH 6-0 180 90.1401 + 18.25
  • Knijeah Harris IOL 6-3 335 89.1568 + 16.42
  • Marcus Stokes QB 6-2 185 89.0586 + 14.08
  • Creed Whittemore ATH 5-11.5 175 88.3598 + 14.70
  • Bryce Lovett OT 6-5 330 87.5833 + 12.99
  • Tyree Patterson WR 6-2 175 86.5278 + 11.13


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
The Gators are in the top 5 for the following recruits:

  • 4-star Aidan Mizell WR 6-2 180 94.7153 + 24.11
  • 4-star Andy Jean WR 6-1 180 90.3748 + 10.99
  • 4-star Monroe Freeling OT 6-7 283 96.9870 + 26.99
  • July 11:
    4-star Lucas Simmons OT 6-7 300 95.0413 +25.04
    Finalists: Florida, FSU, USC, Tennessee --> FSU
  • July 23:
    4-star Payton Kirkland OT 6-6 345 91.0036 + 8.63
    Finalists: Florida, Oklahoma, Michigan State, Miami
  • 4-star Kelby Collins DL 6-5 280 96.8382 + 26.67
  • July 28:
    4-star Derrick LeBlanc DL 6-4 270 96.3444 + 23.87
    Finalists: Florida, Oklahoma, Penn State —> Oklahoma
  • July 28:
    4-star John Walker DL 6-3 310 95.3743 + 18.75
    Finalists: Florida, Michigan, Miami, Ohio State, UCF —> UCF
  • 4-star Will Norman DL 6-5 290 94.6522 + 19.74
  • 4-star Jordan Hall LB 6-2 225 92.1355 + 10.49
  • 4-star Kamran James DL 6-6.5 265 91.1189 + 7.44
  • 4-star Kayden McDonald DL 6-3 310 90.4528 + 4.21
  • July 23:
    4-star Malik Bryant LB/EDGE 6-2 235 97.7820 + 26.28
    Finalists: Alabama, Florida, Maryland, Miami —> Texas
  • 4-star Lewis Carter LB 6-0 200 92.7500 + 10.78
  • 4-star Karmelo Overton LB 6-0 200 89.5482 + 1.28
  • 5-star Cormani McClain CB 6-1.5 165 99.9180 + 29.92
  • July 28:
    4-star Ja’Keem Jackson CB 6-1 180 91.1665 + 3.56
    Finalists: Alabama, Auburn, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Penn State —> Florida
  • October 1:
    4-star DB/ S Jordan Castell S 6-2 195 91.8746 + 4.50
    Finalists: Florida, Tennessee
  • 4-star Daquayvious Sorey WR 6-2 185 92.6885 + 7.99
  • 3-star Bryce Thornton S 5-10 185 88.2593 + 0.10
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Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
Three commitments to watch on Saturday, 23 July:

- 4-star Payton Kirkland OT 6-6 345 91.0036 + 8.63; Finalists: Florida, Oklahoma, Michigan State, Miami (7:30 ET announcement leaked as Texas the day before) —> Texas
- 4-star Malik Bryant LB/EDGE 6-2 235 97.7820 + 26.28; Finalists: Alabama, Florida, Maryland, Miami (5:25 ET announcement) —> Pushed Back commitment
- 4-star Joenel Aguero DB/S 6-0 195 98.4040 + 27.71; Finalists: Florida, Georgia, Miami, Ohio State (12:30 ET announcement) —> Georgia
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Three commitments to watch on Saturday, 23 July:

- 4-star Payton Kirkland OT 6-6 345 91.0036 + 8.63; Finalists: Florida, Oklahoma, Michigan State, Miami (7:30 ET announcement leaked as Texas the day before) —> Texas
- 4-star Malik Bryant LB/EDGE 6-2 235 97.7820 + 26.28; Finalists: Alabama, Florida, Maryland, Miami (5:25 ET announcement) —> Pushed Back commitment
- 4-star Joenel Aguero DB/S 6-0 195 98.4040 + 27.71; Finalists: Florida, Georgia, Miami, Ohio State (12:30 ET announcement) —> Georgia
So. We ARE "moving up" pretty steadily now...
But what does it all really add up to?
We just won't know until we see this team play--and maybe not so much even then: I mean, who knows WHAT to expect against Utah, and that one's followed by Kentucky and Tennessee (both picked ahead of us in the East at this point).
It is hard to do much more right now than try to settle back, reserve judgment, try to stay calm and patient for now.


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
The Gators went 0-2-1 yesterday in recruiting announcements and are falling further behind Georgia and Miami.


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So we were "picking it up" there for a while--but just as fast it seems we are falling back again of late.
I'm torn between a ("hopefully realistic") impression that our new Coach is doing about as well as anyone could hope, better than expected (at least up until these last few days), and lets face it) a WHOLE lot better than where Mullens had (or WOULD have had) us at this point...and at the same time a sinking feeling that without a really big finish to the current class, plus a real BREAK OUT HAUL next year, even this "great coaching staff", attention to detail and "a whole new TEAM-attitude" surrounding the program itself won't bring the kind of dazzling improvevent it will take to bring us back to "par" with the Tide, UGA and a handful of "maybe others" anytime soon.
And we ALL know how UNrealistically impatient Gator fans are...
(This last is what concerns me the most:
Above all, I believe that even if Billy is as promising a head Coach (perhaps even "the perfect fit, here and now") for UF Football as it appears he may truly BE, he won't be GIVEN THE TIME to do what needs to be DONE here.)


Aerospace Cubicle Engineer (ACE)
So we were "picking it up" there for a while--but just as fast it seems we are falling back again of late.
I'm torn between a ("hopefully realistic") impression that our new Coach is doing about as well as anyone could hope, better than expected (at least up until these last few days), and lets face it) a WHOLE lot better than where Mullens had (or WOULD have had) us at this point...and at the same time a sinking feeling that without a really big finish to the current class, plus a real BREAK OUT HAUL next year, even this "great coaching staff", attention to detail and "a whole new TEAM-attitude" surrounding the program itself won't bring the kind of dazzling improvevent it will take to bring us back to "par" with the Tide, UGA and a handful of "maybe others" anytime soon.
And we ALL know how UNrealistically impatient Gator fans are...
(This last is what concerns me the most:
Above all, I believe that even if Billy is as promising a head Coach (perhaps even "the perfect fit, here and now") for UF Football as it appears he may truly BE, he won't be GIVEN THE TIME to do what needs to be DONE here.)
Stricklin will give Napier at least 5 years to build on his 7-year contract. Remember that Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Ohio State, and Michigan have been recruiting these 2023 kids for at least 3 years (sophomore year is the earliest NCAA allows a kid to be recruited).

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