Um, because he was REALLY GOOD? And remember who, and what, our Head Coach was...I mean, no reason to run'n'hide from it now, friends: In day-to-day terms, whatever REAL "class" and honor our team and program had during that time flowed mainly from #15...In retrospect, nowhere/when it was clearer than when it all began to come apart before our eyes--at the Georgia Dome against the Tide at the end of '09. Half that starting team seemed "late-for-the-door", everything but their bodies already gone...Coach TOO, turned out: After that it was steady breakdown and decay. Yet right there, on the field that day, to the fans' shocked dismay and heartbreak, our head coach standing there with the numb, vacant stare of a deer caught-in-the-headlights, it was TT franticly trying to rally everyone, offense, defense, fans--and, as he, last of all finally began to realize it wasn't gonna happen, he COULDN'T pull it all back together ONE MORE TIME by sheer force-of-will, it was TT who cried--not just for himself, not just for the team, but for all of us. He was mocked for it, made fun of endlessly since, but I loved him for that as much as anything else, all he accomplished here, and always will.