Gator Fan
HahahahhhaOhKahy, alright I guess it can work.Simplifying the formula
A = Harris Poll
B = Coaches Poll
C = Throw out the high and low of the six computer rankings for each team. Add the remaining four. Divide that total by four.
Result: A+B+C = Total Score
Further explanations found HERE
A part that I didn't like, was the automatic inclusion of nd as explained in the following .....
Further reading on this here...........Under the new BCS arrangement Notre Dame will be guaranteed one of the at-large slots in a BCS bowl if it is ranked No. 8 or better in the final BCS Standings. It is also guaranteed annual payment for its participation in the BCS. In those seasons in which the Irish play in a BCS game, the school will receive $4.5 million (an amount equivalent that received by a conference that places a second team in a BCS bowl). In those seasons in which Notre Dame does not play in a BCS game, it is projected to be paid $1.3 million for its participation in the BCS arrangement
BCS Automatic Qualification, At-Large Eligibility
and Selection Procedures, 2007-2010 Games
from BCS Releases
Updated 7/23/08