The way I see it, and what I told Pat Dooley at in reply to his blog entry about that jackass Finebaum starting up his crap again (here's what I'm referring to BTW: ), is that Coach Meyer has enough trust in Steve Addazio and the rest of the football coaching staff to keep the football program running as usual. Meyer will still be doing his part in recruiting as far as contacting them and encouraging them to attend UF, but he won't be making the road trips to visit them while he's on leave. Florida has become a football program that can pretty much sell itself to potential recruits; high school players see the level of success we've attained in these past five years and those who sincerely want to be part of this program will commit to being Gators.
Read my comments to Dooley; I meant what I said. I shouldn't have to tell anybody here that I'm staunchly pro-Urban Meyer, and it really pisses me off to see hacks like Slimebaum and that other shmuck Kerasotass at "Florida Today" printing hatchet-job attacks on Coach right now. Like I told Pat Dooley, attacking a man when he's down is just plain low-class. Maybe I'm a bit sentimental but I don't like seeing bad things happen to good people, especially somebody like Urban Meyer. I wasn't happy about the fact that Dooley wasn't aggressive enough with Slimebaum in defending UF and Coach, but as a matter of tact I was careful with my comments, even though I gave Pat some subtle constructive criticism when I said that it's time for somebody from the Florida camp to take Slimebaum down. He and Buddy Martin both turned the other cheek when they were taking on this POS as far as I'm concerned.
Should we win the Sugar Bowl - and I hope to God we do - I would love to see our guys carry Coach out of the stadium on their shoulders as a show of respect and admiration for him.