Brantley will always look better than Burton, Reed, or Driskell in practice, but not in real games. It looks like we all know this, but the coaches do not. Brantley is the starter in 2011. Driskel will probably be #2. Burton and Reed will permanently transition to TE, WR, or RB. Then again, if we got a new coach in 2011 who knows what happens? New coach, new start--start the freshman QB?
At this point, I believe it is our only hope to begin the road back to greatness NEXT year...
And remember: each year lost going backwards takes at LEAST 2 to recover from--and THAT'S only with the right change(s) at the right time--we've already lost one (a little more, really, when you factor in Addazio's influence LAST season, Meyer's "freak out", and a whole Spring and Summer wasted on Brantley and that whole phony "adapting the offense"-sham), so if this continues through NEXT year we'll be at least FOUR YEARS BACK--this is exactly how long-successful teams slips into mediocrity for extended periods. If they (or US, horrible as it is to contemplate) DON'T make the change in a timely fashion AND they don't get it right when they do, it can all just seem to slip away. Look at our cross- and down-state rivals for the way NOT to do things!
We need a QB change now. I'm sorry to say it, but I just don't think Brantley has it right now. He can't move in the pocket which leads to the sacks. And he can't see anything down the field.
When Reed throws, he is able to move around and see the open receivers down field. We haven't really seen Burton throw, which makes me think the coaches really are not confident in his ability yet.
So what I am getting at is moving Reed to QB for the rest of the season. He may not start next week, but we may want to look at him for the FSU game.