OK...Don't wanna draw any "unfair conclusions"; "due process" and all that--but lets face it, between the media and "how things work in the real world", well, unless this is cleared up quickly and declared some sort of terrible "misidentification" or something, Darnell's about to have his choices, not to mention "unlimited horizons", severely foreshortened for the time being. A shame, but without some amazingly quick and thorough (and public) whitewash, someone dodged a BIG bullet that it happened this early in the process...and it was probably NOT gonna be us this time, in any event: He'd already given a lot of signs, even outright stated some things, that indicated he was inclined to go out-of-state--Hey, maybe we can REVERSE the "Cam-scenario" this time! Probably not, tho': that's more a "Meyer-move"...Ol' BB over at FSU might have gone that way too, but at this point the only one of the "Big 3" in Fla. left that might be so inclined no matter WHAT comes next, long as he's eligible, is UM--and even they are currently (once again) headed for the wrong kind of scrutiny already. Then again, it's never stopped them before. The way they've slid by each time (I mean, this last time they apparently were given credit for slapping THEMSELVES on the wrists!), by now they may figure they can get away with anything.
Ah well. My main point here is that at this level, for a Coach it is TOUGH balancing character against talent against doing-your-job, especially when in the end, it's your record that determines your success and whether you'll continue to have that job. Then you're supposed to be ultimately responsible for keeping dozens of these 18-to-20-yr-old young men, from disparate (some really raw) backgrounds and neighborhoods, on the "safe, straight and narrow" while they're loose on a large campus full of young girls and assorted temptations, with plenty of (mandated) free time on their hands, all the while treated as young heroes by everyone EXCEPT the police (UF and GPD, anyway--one gets the impression it's different elsewhere)???
Like I said: Someone dodged a BIG bullet.