Well, we just COULDN'T handle success...THIS WAS OURS TO WIN--AND WE TURNED IT INTO "OURS TO LOSE"...THat O-line that looked the best it has all year at times in the 1st half just looks lost on that Driskel "fumble"/steal.
Any chance we can come back now? It's all up to whether this team really IS "never say die" after all: There's a LOT of time left, we get the ball back now, and if we can settle down and drive again down-the-field, we can STILL make a game if this--but this looks bad, I'll grant you all...
If they DON'T pull it together RIGHT NOW, get some points and back IN this thing right away, I'll be tuninf out of this one early in the 4th--I can't STAND watching and listening to this crowd--GILLY gets the dangerous cross-body pass from JD--for 21 yards! Hey O-LINE: "STOP SOMEONE!"