Haha!!!! Muschamp don't deserve to win. These players don't deserve to win. If you can't play simple fundamental football then get off the field losers!!!!!
You're right--my MIND agrees with you...But it still hurts to lose, especially THAT way.
Yeah, we THOROUGHLY deserved our fate, that outcome, except THEY didn't "beat" us, we GAVE it to them. Mainly, Jeff Driskel did. Sure, turns OUT different if that freshman receiver catches that 3rd down pass in the end zone--but we "DESERVED" it already by then, this loss--and damn near pulled out another "lucky win" after all.
I don't know...I figured already, way earlier in the proceedings, that any kind of win by then only put a patch over the obvious failings of this team and (above all) it's Head Coach--long with his attached-at-the-hip QB...KNEW thaqt only LOSSES break first that "attachment", gets Treon in there and learning, and eventually breaks Foley and Co. of THEIR attachment to Will Muschamp.
Guess in that light, THIS (the loss, this way) amounts to a "GOOD thing", or at least a better one, long term. First, it gets Treon in there, and now in a not-so-dramatic-and-pressure-packed "need-to-win-under-the-spotlight" sorta situation:; he can learn on the job and make the mistakes he's gonna make NOW, in a down year where we all just wanna see him learn and do well...and meanwhile, I think we're really on the "last-days-of-Will-Muschamp road now, no matter HOW the behind-the-scenes power-play goes. In fact, he gets/stays too stubborn-with-Driskel NOW, he gets the axe SOONER, mid-season (which, btw, as I am again "given to understand", is part of the problem with Foley, who apparently PROMISED him otherwise, that he would "never" do that, which is in turn part of what has HIM on the hot seat in MAKING such promises, especially as late in all of this as he did)--but FOLEY goes and Muschamp goes IMMEDIATELY--and it could happen that way. Still, they BOTH make a LOT of money in their jobs, contracts which are forfeit if they QUIT, so...Yeah, that may NOT be how it plays out, "Pride" and "Honor" notwithstanding. We have a LOT of money in our coffers though--I mean, we are neck-n'neck with Texas for farandaway more cash-in-hand than ANY other University in the land...Good to know, and leaves us quite plenty of room to bite-the-bullet, pay 'em off and get started on "NEXT!". if we choose--and some of the largest behind-the-scenes donors and money-raisers are on-board for "quickest fix possible"...BUT TRHERE HAS TO BE ONE, a "PLAN", one that's doable , with someone everyone can agree would be worth having here, at the very LEAST at ONE of the two key positions we are discussing here, either Head Coach or AD...Of course, Head Coach appears to be the more "immediately important" one, for obvious reasons, but then again, between Foley's own stubbornness so far, AND the guy they have in mind who hasn't said no, more like seems to "wanna put it off a coupla years", well, I've probably said too much already for my friend's comfort regarding this, so I'll stop talking and start, REstart my drinking...But one way or another, The Changes we need ARE coming...)