My last look back here:
For all my (relatively) "hopeful" comments regarding our latest, and search for even SMALL "signs" that that hope is warranted, I must inject this splash-in-the-face cold water that I was hit with at the end of this morning's day-after College Football wrap-up on the SEC network:
At the very end, they went over the relative placement and likely continued positions of the current "top 6" teams vying for places in the eventual "Final Four"--and for us it only "highlights" that rub our FACES in how far we truly are right now from even "eventually" being a part of all that again...
I could go on at great length about not only that (where we are at right now) but how far we were and are from where we thought, CONVINCED ourselves we were coming INTO this season.
Our first "reality check" came right from the start against Michigan. In fact, for us, how things REALLY were and are is in effect EMBODIED in Michigan: The "Top 10" team that mugged us to start the season are by now ranked lower than WE were when we played them (#24), having themselves again been exposed as barely-above-avg by ANOTHER team that wasn't nearly as hyped by the media machine back in Aug/Sept. It has been a strange season all around. The drive towards "fairer balance" across the board in college football continues to have at best "unpredictable results".
We could benefit though. With the right Coach, I now think that WE might well join the latter, rising programs sooner and higher than that Wolverine team with their high-profile Coach. But right NOW, it is for example (gritted-teeth GULP) U MIAMI that is "back". Back from 20 years plus of proven scandal of the highest order (violations far worse than the pretext for SMU's "Death Penalty", for example). Yet here they are (and though the talking-heads on ESPN love to SAY "UM is BACK!", no one mentions "back from WHERE", you'll note).
I HATE it.
But that's where things are at, why we have a LOT of work to do and have to be careful NOT to rush things, not force the issue and go get "a name" just because it is what "everyone KNOWS that's what we need to do, NOW"...
Will say it one more time here, the pitfall we have stepped blindly into twice in a row now and simply CANNOT do again:
Yes, we need "The Right Guy"...need to identify that one, clear "Right Fit" target, go after him--and if we can't get HIM, then maybe we WAIT: Short-to-mid-term, maybe we GET that guy within a manageable amount of time. Continue the nuts'n'bolts, hard work of our ongoing rebuild while we we wait for "someone in particular". Or the overall picture changes.
Again, yes, I'm beginning to think that maybe our "interim" Coach Shannon can keep things moving forward, get a lot of the hard, necessary but not-widely-or-publicly-appreciated work done for now--while behind the scenes we get whatever needs to be done to continue and eventually close-the-DEAL on the wider search for "THAT GUY" who will seal-the-deal longterm.
It has certainly felt like TIME is not on our side here. But when you step back and consider it (as "circumstances" have and continue to force us to do), the WORST thing we could do now is make another MISTAKE, hype OURSELVES into another poor choice.
We have already managed to TWICE enthrone individuals who were poor fits, on relatively scant empirical evidence accepted the latest "image" the media had created around them... We ended up with men who weren't what we thought they were: They got rich while our whole program slipped deeper and deeper into a hole it was going to be harder to climb out of, longer to fix and put behind us.
I know this is all over-simplified--neither as good NOR bad as any of the various fans or pundits (myself included) insist at various times, for various reasons with varying degrees of insight and/or emotion.
By now, it doesn't matter so much HOW or WHY: I think we HAD a "first choice", didn't happen quickly like our "braintrust"/money men hoped/expected, but at this point the waters are muddied, there is a certain amount of conflicting concern and disaggreement, somewhat of a standoff among "factions"--and at this point, in effect there is now an unintended, ENFORCED "step back and consider" period under way...and as I say, for a number of reasons that may not be a "BAD thing" for us here. As long as it ultimately "bears fruit", whatever that turns out to be:
There's a REASON "they" are at some sort of impasse: Think about it, "Mr. New AD". Do your thing, consult and consider, find "consensus" if you can--but in the end YOU are the one person who has the very real power to break up any impasse, turf war or stubborn hold out: Make a MOVE. Whatever that is--a particular current candidate, a "pause and hold for now", OR a shake up somehow in who and HOW the people and process that has produced such (lets face it) poor, even ultimately disastrous results last coupla times--They should ALL at least be "on the table", and possible to SETTLE by YOU.