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Gator Nation.


Gator Fan
Ay Gator fans. Im from Jacksonville, Florida. Im a diehard gator fan. I was born into it. My top 3 favorite offensive players on the Gators are Tim Tebow, Percy Harvin, and Brandon James. My top 3 favorite defensive players are Major Wright, Dustin Doe, and Jermaine Cunningham. Thanks for reading and Go Gators!


Gator Fan
Welcome to Gator Envy. Glad to have another Jax native on board. Did you/do you go to high school there?


Gator Fan
Welcome to Gator Envy. Glad to have another Jax native on board. Did you/do you go to high school there?

No, I actually live in Callahan Florida and attend West Nassau High School. I basically live in J-Ville though. And thats what I tell people since 98% of people never even heard of Callahan.

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