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Gators Get Romped by UCLA


Gator Fan
The Florida Gators didn't fare so well in their opening matchup against the UCLA Bruins on Saturday night. UCLA starting pitcher Trevor Bauer struck out 11 Gators in seven innings and set the UCLA season record on his way to an 11-3 win. The Gators were constantly giving up 1-3 runs every inning and just couldn't produce any of their own. The Gators were out hit 18 to 6 - I don't know what happened to our bats that night. Thankfully the CWS is double elimination. The Florida Gators will play the Florida State Seminoles on Monday afternoon in an elimination game.


AK Gator

Gator Fan
It was a pretty ugly game. The highlights for me were den Dekker's huge catch and then striking out two batters with the bases loaded. The former was just pretty as can be and the latter seemed like a real tide turning moment. Unfortunately the Gators just couldn't answer to the Bruins most of the night and any flashes of solid play were wiped out pretty quickly. Here's to tonight though.

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