I trust your judgment, E-, but my "blinking red light" with Petrino has to do with that big bag of attitude and preconception he brings with him--I fear he's more the kind of coach who will try to make the Gators over in HIS image, forcing them to fit the shape of his already formed vision rather than adapt his system and ideas to fit THEM. It IS possible to mold a team to that vision OVER TIME, but to come in and DICTATE wholesale change in any accelerated, seemingly arbitrary manner can be disastrous. It seldom turns out well.
I'm no expert on Petrino, his true personality and approach; I go only by my impressions from afar. As you say, we all have our own ideas as to who we think is best, what direction Foley should go, and so on. I've mentioned my own evolving thoughts here in other threads, but MOST of the suggestions are top flight, no matter what. It comes down to a matter of philosophic underpinnings, interestingly enough, don't you think?
I tend to be more of a risk-taker, but I want to see calm intelligence to go with "new ideas". Then there's the passion, the Fire, that "mojo" we've talked about. It can't be ONLY that, but I figure it better BE there along with the rest.