Gator Fan
Hey Doyle, why don't you get off this site and just go back to threesomes with your sister and your cousin. Although, I wouldn't be suprised if your sister even gave you a wrong number... like all the other girls
Damn, I love how you guys squirm now that the fat man aint in charge up here anymore! New 'tude in K-town swamp dwellers. Look forward to seeing you guys on the field. Much love, Doyle.
Bryce Brown(the RB in the country)signed with Tenn I hate this d-bag kiffin but i cant lie he pulled in pretty good class
Look guys, I ain't here to stir up any mess. I truley respect you guys, really. Back in the day, when you guys had Spurrier, I dreamed of having a coach at UT like that. Instead i had ol' fatass who scurried into a corner anytime the ol' ball coach flinched. Damn, give me a break! Let me enjoy the swag! It's new to me! Anyhow, love him or hate him, Kiff be in charge at UT. I am loving it myself. I just want this rivalry to be what it should be; not all one sided like it has been for years. You know what I am saying to be true. Much love, Doyle.
Fine and dandy if you love it, but don't come over here to a Gator board and tell Gator fans to "STFU" for voicing our point of view. Just as you're entitled to your opinion, we're entitled to ours.
This will all be settled on the field come 9/13.
Fair enough... I got a little over-excited today with the BB commitment. /salute you guys and sorry if I came across like an ass..
Well, we can say "been there, done that" just as all of y'all can; once Spurrier left in 2002 we had to put up with three years of sucking under Ron Zook until our AD finally realized he made a mistake and canned that loser. We finally have somebody decent again in Meyer, and we're happy with him - so we understand where you're coming from.
Thanks for visiting, in the meantime you should keep an eye on this site......................................... Good luck to you guys, and see you next year.