No trouble with our conditioning since Meyer or Mickey got here. Cupboard far from bare, either.
The trouble with this closed spring-practice is all we've got are the optimistic, positive-spin pronouncements from the coaches...I find myself catching that upbeat enthusiasm, feeling more and more optimistic about our team and the coming year--with no actual objective data or observation of my own!
I wish we had some more to go on, even if it were of a more general nature. I'm hearing mostly really good things, but I'm fighting to reserve judgment--a battle I suspect I'm losing. I just don't want to place unrealistic expectations on this team. So much talent and promise, but I came out of last season and subsequent events, Meyer's resignation and the Bowl game, feeling we were perhaps a season away from realizing potential greatness.
It would be all too easy to get ahead of ourselves again, expect too much too fast--and not enjoy the ride, the ups and downs that will lead eventually to great success.