O-town Gator
Gator Fan
I really hope the NCAA lowers the boom on the School Out West: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/orl-fsu0208jul02,0,7838823.story
They need to penalize them to the max. Forget a little slap on the hand. :shifty:
I'd love to see the NCAA nail them, even slap the "death penalty" on them if it's appropriate once they've done all their fact-finding. The SOW has been allowed to get away with too much for too long, and it would be nice to see justice done.
TK Wetherell would find it in his best interest to cooperate with the NCAA and not try to throw any smokescreens out there. One of them (Dave Hart - the same one who said SOS deserved to be "spanked") is gone anyway.