Well, naturally I liked the overall tone and thrust of the column, and I even agreed with a large portion of the specific details, but I had to throw a couple of red-flag challenges too:
First, I'm still not sold on how great a "pure passer" John Brantley is when the pressure's on, bodies are flying (some straight at HIM!) and the game is on the line--everything he said about Addazio was true, but it was #12 who was out there, repeatedly missing the proper check off and/or overthrowing the open receiver when he DID throw something besides the three-yd.-bubble-screen. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it in response to such examples of "selective memory": JB had multiple opportunities to rise above the unimaginative game-plans and play-calling, to raise HIS game, make some plays, inspire and above all LEAD his teammates, make it HIS TEAM--and never ONCE did he do it. The best I can hope for in him is that with Weis' help, guidance and realistic assessment of his strengths AND limitations, Brantley MAY be able to sufficiently "hold the fort" at QB, run things just error-free efficiently enough to get us through, with Reed there to come in and run a change-of-pace "wildcat"-style series here and there, so that we can put up more than enough points to support a "D" that will start out "good" and grow stronger, tougher and better with every game. If #12 can surpass expectations, they might redshirt Driskel and let him learn AND fill out a bit, but I suspect necessity, if not immediate then at least in terms of starting to get him game experience going into NEXT season (ie. 2012), will have them beginning the process by mid-season.
Among the other mostly lesser quibbles, the one that stands out was this idea that Deonte Thompson would be an important break-out deep-threat...did the writer not see EVERY ONE of JB's early-season attempts at stretching the field (never to return, once squandered, apparently) BOUNCING OFF THOMPSON'S HANDS?!! There's a REASON he got the nickname "c*ckfingers"!
So: In a sense, the writer stakes a large part of the future Gator offense on a QB who couldn't throw and a WR who couldn't catch--I know, not that simple, but in each case, when the throw or catch MEANT something, it WAS that simple--they failed.
I hope they prove me wrong, redeem themselves completely...but I ALSO hope like HELL that there's a "Plan B".