OK. LOVE your attitude--and all in all HOPE the confidence behind it is warranted...Bearing in mind our own PRIVATE concerns regarding the emotional maturity (and possibly flagging attention and priorities among some albeit talented upperclassmen on the current Gator roster). But I KNOW you are right from a man-for-man, quality of competition point-of-view--Will enthusiastically GO with it and would DAMN WELL HOPE it went EXACTLY as you say, if that's our eventual road.
I too would prefer they not get the opportunity in the first place, like many RESENT their "easy-road access" and even MORE their whining about it not being ENOUGH over-credited already! But it is that dichotomy between all the fans of programs who hate their over-hyped version of "the easy way out", and the
ignorant "root for the underdog" yammering of all the rest out there, the mass of casual "sports fans" who follow-the-REST en masse in cheering for the latest "little guys fighting the wealthy and powerful" (you know, like voting in a billionaire because supposedly "he's an outsider", which these days could describe candidates from EITHER supposed "opposite side", btw)...Sorry, I generally stay well away from ANY politics here, but know no better current shorthand for the dumb, kneejerk emotional reaction we are dealing with here...My POINT is that UCF is in fact by now one of the largest such institutions in Florida in terms of enrollment alone--yet manage to claim the role of "beaten down underdog taking on the powerful COLLEGE FOOTBALL ESTABLISHMENT", so a huge number of otherwise-bored fans no longer with much direct connection with a "dog in the fight" will root for them and HATE their opponent for crushing them, if/when they do (a role I am perfectly comfortable with for us, should it come our way), while meanwhile all the fans and followers of MAJOR programs will be rooting for, COUNTING on whomever IS their actual opponent to DO the crushing, come the day, for all the reasons we already know and feel ourselves. I'm just not sure I am interested in seeing us wrapped up in all the complicated emotional baggage embedded in this whole argument and now entangled in the normal mostly pure FUN of "rooting for your team"...