If you are a student of the game, as I am, then follow the thread below by Twitter user GatorCritic. This guy breaks out every major play him Feleipe Franks.
Found that link (to Josh@GatorCritic) IMMENSELY instructive--but frustrating and depressing too, exactly BECAUSE of its undeniable insight and accuracy. It wore me down, eventually: At a certain point, you realize that he is in fact precisely documenting and finally articulating the facts behind the vague overall feeling you get WATCHING Franks: That he is severely limited, ISN'T really improving to any large degree--and that even as clever and adaptive as our Head Coach IS in developing an offense and tailoring it to his QB, Franks is clearly the bottleneck preventing our REAL progress there. Aside from convincing me fully of what I already deep down felt--that though our D MIGHT be able to keep us IN the next one into the 2nd half, our victory against LSU notwithstanding we are ultimately about to get whipped BADLY in Jacksonville--along with the frustration of seeing the stark PROOF of all of Franks' "limitations" laid out play-by-play there (more on that in a moment), the really worrisome part to me was Josh's cogent concerns regarding all the ways it could hurt our recruiting the very parts on offense we--or more specifically the true "future-QB-to-come" (whomever he may be)--will NEED once Mullens HAS a good one in there with which he CAN fully "open it up"!
I had to stop following along at a certain point, first time through: It got to a point where his prefacing-remarks alone were more than enough not just to make the point without WATCHING the actual replay, but by then I was clearly and distinctly remembering the particular play in sharp detail from when watching the game itself at the time--and remember seeing and noting the very same thoughts and conclusions as Josh THEN. I went back just now and saw the whole sequence through--but that first time I had to STOP at that TERRIBLE underthrow that turned what should have been an easy quick-6 into a near-interception...On our game-thread here at the time I noted it too, and said something in passing to the effect that "this play epitomized everything WRONG with Franks' play in GENERAL".
BOTTOMLINE: It is amazing that we have gotten THIS far on Franks' clumsy, gangly arm'n'legs...and while you can credit THAT to Mullens' astute, flexible and relentlessly creative football IQ, it is just as true that there is ample evidence by now that we've seen the BEST of what the latter can achieve with the former under center, running his offense. Period.
As for the ramifications and consequences that radiate from that truth, though, well, that is grist for the mill of ENDLESS discussion--all part of a general warning as to our road the rest of the way. But the fact that our Head Coach "GETS" all that we can be sure, and has gotten us this far despite it all, is cause for SOME hope--but we "students of the game" who also happen to be died-in-the-wool GATORS too do not wish to delude ourselves either--so we are thankful and glad to see and consider the work of
[email protected]...BIG "Thanks!" for bringing it to our collective attentions, E--.
One caveat, though. The one thing Josh seems to consciously discount, even (to some extent, not unfairly) dismiss contemptuously in its extreme (mindlessly, beer-soaked, blindly homerist) form IS the role "toughness, guts and heart" DOES play in the college game. It has to be something that exists to DRIVE talent, scheme, depth, stategy and tactics--but it DOES exist, importantly so: We just saw how it can be the very thing that, if you got enough of the rest somewhere in there as well, allow you to "FLIP THE SWITCH" and COMEBACK somehow. You don't wanna try and LIVE on it, week in/week out--but it is THAT part of "the college game" that moves us, helps to separate it from the pro game, for eg. That would be my only (somewhat mild) caveat here: I know who and what, the "TYPE" (on all sides) he is dismissing there, but "don't throw out the baby with the bath water" in the process, brother! Because understanding and accepting the "psychology" of these young men is part of OUR Head Coach's edge, I think, a "plus" he has and will use in a number of ways to advance our program both in games (and how he prepares a gamePLAN), AND (at least as important) in recruiting (and what prospective recruits will see in terms of their opportunities to SHINE here), now, and in the seasons and YEARS to come...How does that go?--"NOT just the Xs and Os, but the Bobs and JOES!". And THAT is the key to EVERY "great" college football coach's longterm success in building a "great college football PROGRAM". Period.