VIP Member
Found this on my FaceBook page this morning!
First, got to give G8RB8R another "Thanks" for the laughs this morn'--hilarious, if a little weird (it's those frozen faces, the used-car-salesman-like smiling Urban and the "hungry"-yet-haggard Tim...makes it all funnier though, somehow).
Jack&Dew came up with the "Urban-gives-Addazio-year-long-audition and Foley-knew-it-early-on"-scenario; as I said, don't know how preconceived or (once hatched, IF "hatched") from what point Foley was "in on it", but given "what's done is done" and putting all the obvious questions, nuances and implications aside, all in all the timing could have been a lot worse. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Foley HAS been VERY quietly gathering intelligence, preparing for this process in every way possible without alerting opponents, the press/media OR Gator Nation. Another thing I suppose we may never know--but ask yourself this: would anything truly have been served, would there have been any real advantage in a mid-season, months-long search, one either in the glare of media scrutiny OR under the threat of being discovered by such at any time? No, while we may have a dissenting opinion as to the whole Meyer/Addazio charade to begin with, if that is what it was, now that it is done we are probably better off with the situation and time frame we now find ourselves facing.
And in a certain sense, this IS now like a "Christmas present", sitting under the tree in shiny wrapping for all to see, causing great excitement, waiting to be opened.