Given Urban's state of physical health & internal problems he is coping with....stop and think about this for minute.
Let me state what I think may be the real reason for why Urban is not the Urban of yesterday. Along with his other meds he may be taking, I would bet my last dollar that he is now on some kind of anti-depressant, to cope with the stress.
After my heart attack several years ago, I voluntarily decided to begin using Prozac to relieve my stress symptoms and because I was such a Type A personality. LOL After being on this stuff for a while, nothing seems as bad as it may really be! It depletes your motivation....I needed stress because I had employment where I had to constantly make fast, quick, and aggressive decisions. The high stress actually motivated me, as failure was not an alternative...ever. After being on Prozac, all that changed. I mellowed out and became more easy going & relaxed. It allowed me to change my life my case, for the better.
In Urban's case, as head coach, this may not be for the better. Take the stress out of him, and you will surely lose the aggressiveness. And in a profession that is found upon extreme aggressiveness, this is not a good thing.
My background is in business, not medicine. So if there are those here with a medical background, by all means correct or further educate me as to whether in actuallity, this is now Urban's problem.