Touchdown to Pitts-replacement Zipperer! We CAN outscore these guys!
FIVE touchdown passes for Trask in the first HALF!
But I STILL wanna see Franks beaten down—see him STOPPED in the 2nd half. To be honest, I made what excuses I could for him, our of Gator loyalty, but I never liked or APPROVED of his thin-skinned reaction to/interaction WITH the Swamp Crowd last coupla seasons he was here. Then came that hidious injury and I THOUGHT that no matter what, he wouldn’t be OUR problem anymore...I mean, I felt bad for a Gator player, one we were DEPENDING ON, getting so badly BENT that way...and wished him well wherever he landed. But that ain’t the situation anymore. And while OUR guys, Coaches and former-teammates said “all the right things” in days leading UP to this one, I didn’t hear any gracious humility coming from Franks. And that would FIT with this kid’s self-centered narcissism. So let’s just finish the beat down in proper fashion and get to the rest of our season. THEY can get to their .500 record and bask in their fan base’s relief-at-mediocrity; WE can, and if we keep at this (with Pitts BACK PLUS a hopefully “IMPROVING DEFENSE”), we WILL “Win-OUT” and face Alabama HEALTHY in the SEC Championship Game—with a real chance at beating them in a shoot out!
A LOT will depend on what I see in this second half though:
This team still has some questions to answer. WILL Grantham’s D get pressure on Franks, will he indeed have some answers, see them adapt and conquer the errors and screw-ups we saw in the FIRST? We MUST keep going on offense this time—NOT expect to get away with “flipping the switch” to “cruise control”, then think we can “flip it BACK ON” when they come storming back...That damn well CANNOT HAPPEN:
Given our undependable defense, especially LATE (worst, most egregious example: our only LOSS!), AND what we saw AT LEAST TWICE IN THE FIRST HALF, only our efficient and prodigious quarterback and his offense can be fully relied upon. So here we go:
It BEGINS with this Arkansas possession.