I WAS afraid we’d LOSE Grantham after this season... Now maybe I should worry that we WON’T! Lol.
Just kidding, of course; but unless things get a whole lot better a whole lot quicker on that side of the ball, we may not have to worry about that for another season or two after all...and I’d rather we had THAT concern rather than all those “same old things” that lesser programs are having to face.
But here’s a point worth noting ALONG WITH our slumping D:
I know we’ve got some weapons coming in, and I GET that we seem to be capable of “scoring at will”—but with a reliable running game NOW, our defensive struggles would be both less obvious and less troublesome. I know all the rationalizations over-heated Gator fans currently trade in when it comes to this subject, but the fact remains we still have generally too much talent on this defensive squad not to at least be able to hold our own, “rise to the occasion” a little more strongly and more OFTEN than we’ve done so far—even WITH a big lead. And THAT’S just to elbow our way solidly into that 2nd-tier, “close-but-no-cigar” patsy for the Alabamas and Clemsens up-top come playoff-time.
Replacing UGA etc in that role is NOT “Good enough”! Not for us...except maybe as a one-season, transitional (grudging) reality—and I only concede THAT much because I now fear it is the best we’ll be looking at for THIS season, soon enough...
But for Gators (and thankfully, by all the signs, for Dan Mullens himself) ONLY NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS WILL ULTIMATELY DO.