My "End of game/End of THAT kind of season" Opus:
You know, these are the kind of losses I hate the most--the "woulda shoulda coulda" ones. And in this game, of all of them.
I am gonna say this before I go--and I'm NOT gonna take it back later, in a "less angry and frustrated frame of mind/emotion":
If this game solidifies Mullen's determination that Franks isn't anything more than a "placeholder", the "stopgap guy" for his first season as our Head Coach but nothing MORE than that--in other words, that he'll do to get us to "promising", keep the fans interested and our profile high enough to at least NOT DAMAGE all-important recruiting, but that he HAS to turn-the-page and look to the future there: then FINE: This will all be worth it in the now hopefully-not-TOO-distant-future.
We'll be beating up on these Bulldogs soon enough; we're NOT that far off NOW--and that's with a banjo-armed QB!
(Sigh--getting outta hand at the end here...more than ever will LOOK like a bad beat down, BUT

Look, my friends. WE know what we saw out there today. With the way things went from early on, everything that happened to us on BOTH sides of the ball, and in the end, having to rely on THIS QB to somehow get it done out there, well, NEVER MIND WHAT "THEY" WILL BE SAYING, how this will all be described.
This PROGRAM is ok--BETTER than "OK": it is, in all the important ways save ONE, well on its way "BACK" to where it needs to be--and that will only continue... continue to improve, continue to grow stronger and deeper up and down the roster...Now we GOTTA address that "one way", and even there, with all his limitations Franks DID "improve" this season over last in EVERY WAY, thanks to our Head Coach. Even today--we were NOT outplayed as much as beat ourselves early--then fought our way back on heart and guts alone, which might NOT have brought eventual "collapse" out there (on the field AND scoreboard)--IF we had a fitting QB in there... That's right: Thin as we were/are, losing our other cover guy, and losing the BALL repeatedly at critical points in the game, we STILL stayed in this one for 3 quarters plus--even took the LEAD there for a moment (ironic lol)--But when they took it right back, we, and more importantly our offensive-minded Head Coach faced the reality that our ONLY possible answer(s) inevitably came down (as was always the case) to requiring this starting QB to repeatedly do exactly the kinds of things (as in make the kinds of THROWS) he just can't DO with any kind of consistency. Coach TRIED to hide it, scheme his way around it, but our defense, hurt and tired and the QB back to throwing only dink n dunkers for quick "3-and-outers", well, a "close one into the 4th" got away from us QUICK.
It will inevitably, likely be a bit of a rough ride at first ("Tua"s come few and far between), he'll have growing pains no matter HOW long you wait to put him in there, but at SOME point we'll just have to accept Coach Dan's judgment in this regard, and no doubt we'll get a rather trying period of demostrating the "risk/reward" ratio involved with turning a talented-but-inexperienced young Freshman QB loose out there. Now, though I'm TEMPTED to favor starting that "process"/"experiment" (choose one--and only Mullen can really judge) soon, in truth I KNOW there are a number of different factors to weigh and consider here:
We must try and finish strong, if possible even still win out and gain one of the "formerly-New-Year's-Day" (but still high profile) Bowls--for the sake of the fans AND (more important still) recruiting--and even a paricularly "promising in practice" Jones no doubt still leaves Franks as our best chance to do that...And truth is, he CAN do it, I think: Give us enough that, with Mullen's continued guidance and game design, beat those left on our schedule after this; toughest game likely South Carolina, and if we can get back some guys from injury, stay cool and come out strong early from here on out, we COULD get to 10 wins with Franks out there...
So here's MY (albeit amateur, everybody's-got-an-opinion, they're just like assholes that way) offering:
Keep Franks starting rest of the string, TRY for 10 and 2 and a big Bowl--then see if you can plan for and train up Jones for his first big start--in the BOWL game. All kinds of value and progress possible in doing so...It may SOUND "ungrateful" and "unfair", but NO ONE can just use Bowl games as simply a "reward for play and accomplishment during the season past" anymore. It is first, a chance to keep practicing another almost 6 weeks, coaching and evaluating your team and talent; it is further opportunity for publicizing your program, keeping them high in the minds of potential recruits--ON TV during the holidays, ETC, for goodness sakes!; and it is, if you need it, a chance to begin both evaluating and CHANGING things, beginning a new direction early as possible, if that is necessary--and Mullen (hopefully us right along with him) KNOW that is exactly the case here. I know it isn't the ONLY consideration, and I certainly don't know what he is thinking about all that, what his priorities and/or criteria are here and now--but if we DO get to that "major Bowl" a headstart on NEXT SEASON will be invaluable--and unless circumstances were to allow or even force such a consideration earlier, THAT might be Mullen's first practical chance to do so.
For now, though, gotta somehow put this one behind us, as we did Kentucky (and when it comes to sucking it up, ignoring the "beat down just past" and/or any OTHER unpleasantries and pulling ourselves back together, look to ourselves and each other and GO OUT THERE, WORK HARD, GET IT DONE--Well, that kind of "heart and guts" I now know we DO have--like this program HASN'T had in a long time). That being the case, given all of the above and what is still left for us to accomplish and play for, I see how we HAVE to keep Franks in there for now: Our Coach keeps working with him, keeps him on an emotional "even keel", and tries to see, recognize and USE the (albeit few--but THERE) strides taken, plays made by him even THIS game--and see to this whole squad finishing the season strongly. In addition to everything else I've argued here above, Coach Mullen has talked a lot each week about "learning how to win" and "the habit of winning"--and there have been both positve lessons AND clear warnings BOTH in what happened out there today. Unlike his predecessors, whose negative reactions and resulting frustrations bled into the lockeroom and onto the practice field somehow--and eventually led to a PATTERN of losing that built and multiplied into "LOSING STREAKS" to END their last seasons, we count on THIS Coach to somehow shake things up, take it another way--UP instead of DOWN. Now, I doubt that'll mean the demotion of Franks--for all the reasons above, not yet, not now. We still have SEASON to finish strongly, as I say.
But sooner or later, one way or another, that is coming, now for certain on its way at SOME point--because it HAS to.