Without question 2009 will live on as a year that could have been so much more. If UF had beaten Alabama, finally gone undefeated through the SEC gauntlet, and gone on to play Texas in the BCS title game and won there...we're talking about UF having a recruiting class mentioned as one of the all time best in college football. The class that came in for 2006, their winning record, their championship titles, their record breaking seasons, and their utter dominance would have become the thing of legend. Instead, by coming 2 games short of all of that it left the class as one of many great classes, but straddling the line of deserving to me in the conversation for best ever or not.
Beyond that recruiting class think about what it would have done for Urban Meyer. He had already eclipsed Spurrier in total championships won, but he was still fairly young in the job and far from being as seasoned as the OBC was during his time in Gainesville. Regardless, he more or less walks on water in the minds of the Gator Faithful. Imagine him winning a 3rd title in so little time. His critics would still be able to tie his success primarily to one class of recruits, but there wouldn't be a single person who could legitimately knock his track record anymore. All of his success as an assistant, his time at Utah, and then what would have been a 3rd title in Gainesville during a stretch of national dominance in the SEC. He too would have been cemented as an all time great among college coaches.
So many of these things could have happened, but didn't because of a brutal day in Atlanta Georgia. I know that everything I said was contingent upon going on to beat Texas, but even if McCoy stayed healthy I believe Florida would have won the day. Going forward UF and Urban Meyer can still cement their claims to greatness with continued high level of play, it just won't have that poetic, 4 years of greatness storyline ending anymore, which is a sad thing to see pass you by.