UM, I don't trust the media OR the police when it comes to this kind of sensationalistic crap (in BOTH cases, the guys talkin' the loudest are the ones with the most to gain career-wise), but it doesn't look good for him...In fact, 'bout the only thing that says "accessory"/"more here than meets-the-eye" has to do with how slowly they're moving on him, DESPITE all the mounting circumstantial evidence--of his involvement for SURE, and very possibly his guilt in- OR after-the-fact (and I STILL don't follow this whole business with that older "shot-in-the-face"-thing, why we never really heard about it, why he was never charged with a crime there, and why even NOW it's just a CIVIL-case). No use speculating, really: Either there's a big piece of this that's missing and we'll hear about eventually, or it is what it seems to be shaping up as, according to "the slow and careful marshaling of the facts and charges" (yeah--that's what I ALWAYS think of when I think of either the sports-media OR local police-departments). Unless there's a big bombshell there that's still 'bout to drop, or ol' Aaron's goin' down for some time upstate--maybe some SERIOUS, "see-ya-in-20"-time...