Hey everybody. I am a huge (Tebow sized) fan of the Gators. I've lived in the nearby town of Williston all of my life and have always been a Gator fan (yep, even through the bad years). I had dinner at Outback last year right after that game where Tebow made some great plays showing his stuff for the first time basically, and ended up at a table right next to Tim and some of the other guys. I took a couple pics with my cell, but they didn't turn out that good. I didn't want to bother him while he was trying to eat, and ask for an autograph or a pic with him, but I have regretted being so polite ever since then. I don't think I'll hesititate if I ever get a chance again. Ya'll can check me out at my MySpace at myspace.com/jodilynne73. Drop by and give me a holler