This is ANOTHER eg of what I keep saying bout 2 qbs: Not Treon's fault, necessarily, but new qb, new young back= fumblitus.
Meanwhile, also "again": Think we might end up getting shafted for lack of a kicker who can handle the "easy ones"? No excuses for that shit. GOTTA go and get a decent kicker for "everything inside the 30", to go with the (future) "qb who gets it DONE" (and I'm afraid that's NEITHER of these 2 young men we have now...maybe if they were ONE guy with the combined skills of both, but as it is, I think you go with Grier, put Treon in only if/when Grier gets hurt or stinks it up...Not that Treon's worse, fact is he prob has more upside, just not as consistent driving this team, from what I see...but bottom line is, go with one of em--neither gonna win awards, either can get it done with right cast and play-calling. Having both in our league a real potential season-saver...but they ain't gonna carry us, either one. Plan, scheme and play-calling are gonna be everything with this season's Gator offense.
Short by a yard-- go for it!