Coach Mac was brought in to revitalize the offense. How's that working out so far? He wants us to be Alabama and that ain't who we are. Time to move on. Sadly that would mean 2-3 more years of wait till next year.
Yes. The question in fact becomes:
"2 or 3 more years...or NEVER?"
As one of the points I note in this morning's post over in "MAC: Wake UP!!!", I really begin to think Mac may not even really HAVE "National Championship" on his radar--that like many, even most coaches for whom a program like UF's is taken for the money, yes, and beyond that perhaps a "CHANCE at Championships", but that's about IT. That the "prestige" of eventually "being in the mix" is enough to solidify their career and rep, and that coming even close to such "almost" goals should be good enough for US.
IT IS NOT--But I begin to suspect that as long as everyone outside of Gator Nation will see it that way (in fact that they'd somehow be "glad to get to THAT level") WILL be "good enough"--made HIM wealthy and go on to guarantee "almost as good" pay at the NEXT job, wherever/whatever it is. He's not alone in this (I mean, extreme example, look at ol' "Dazed Addazio" 's continued bumbling-but-well-rewarded post-Gator career!).
But we can't worry bout it. As I note as part of sum-up in that other post, it is time for US at least to begin to face the possibility of the same thing explaining what we experience RIGHT NOW with OUR team and program...That unless "things change quickly and mightily" here (and I mean clearly and steadily next few WEEKS), it will be time to "start the process".
Now, with all those guys gone (tho that very situation, and Mac's strangely, lackadaisically WEAK public response in explanation and attitude set things UP for all this), I really didn't expect to actually win that opener. Said as much in posts here leading up to game.
But HOW it played out was key. "Eye-opener", to say the least. I do NOT believe I am now "over-reacting outa the blue".
I feel as if I HAD been "bending over backward in generous hope and flexibility" up til now--and the veil has finally been ripped away.
"You had a chance to get us on track, Mac: This is your 3rd season; you and your coaches have had TIME to fix or replace all the things that were obviously broken, started us down a different road..."
"But all the Kings horse's and all the King's men, couldn't put..."
You'll note that little rhyme's in PAST tense. "Y'all haven't FIXED NUTHIN'! Looks like you stomped all over those pieces, if anything made it worse."
I don't know for sure, but I think most have the same feeling I do about it:
We have wasted TIME. We seem to be bout where we were when this Coach got here--if we're LUCKY. Even that COACH is hoping "his" D will do enough to maybe compete in the (presently depressed) SEC East, so he can keep self-defensively pointing to that, implying we are somehow ingrates for not appreciating. Like I say, that might get him his NEXT job, but never was or IS good enough here.